Newell, William Reed


b Savannah, Ohio, USA 1868, d DeLand, Florida, USA 1956. Wooster (Univ) Coll; Princeton Theological Seminary; Oberlin Theol Seminary. He served several pastorates before being appointed asst superintendent of Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. This overlapped with his ministry at Bethesda Congregational Ch. Partly at Moody’s own suggestion he held regular Bible classes in various cities for many years, including St Louis, Detroit and Toronto, travelling between them by train. He also visited London. He was in demand as a conference speaker and his Bible commentaries included his 1905 Old Testament Studies, and work on the book of Revelation (1935). One gospel song, or at least its chorus, has effectively eclipsed all his more academic writing. No.441.

Hymns and songs by Newell, William Reed

Number Hymn Name
441 O the love that drew salvation’s plan