Otte, Helen


b ?USA 1931. An American writer who has revised older Psalm versions and made new paraphrases; 14 of these and 2 hymns, all from the 1980s, feature in the Psalter Hymnal of the Christian Reformed Church in N America (1987); some have also been printed in the journal Reformed Worship. One paraphrase of Jer 31, I am the LORD your God; you are my people is set to Lvov’s tune RUSSIA (=RUSSIAN ANTHEM); see note to 249 in EP vol 1. She belongs to the ‘Poets’ Workshop’ which specialises in versifying Scripture; and has also published stories for children. Her home is at Downs, Kansas. No.54*.

Hymns and songs by Otte, Helen

Number Hymn Name
54 By your name, O God, now save me