Hear me, O Lord, in my distress
Hear me, O Lord, in my distress,
give ear to my despairing plea!
In faithfulness, in righteousness,
O hear my prayer and answer me.
2. I claim no favour as of right;
you are the God I serve and trust,
yet judge me not: for in your sight
no living soul is counted just.
3. My fierce oppressor hunts me down:
I shrink in darkness, like the dead;
my spirit fails-all hope is gone,
my heart is overwhelmed with dread.
4. Days long since vanished I review,
I see the wonders of your hands,
and I stretch out my hands to you,
for you I thirst like desert sands.
5. Lord, answer me without delay!
I perish if you hide your face;
in you I trust: let this new day
bring word of your unfailing grace.
6. From my pursuers save me still:
in you my refuge I have found;
teach me, O God, to do your will,
and lead my feet on level ground.
7. For your name’s sake, Lord, hear my plea:
your servant’s stricken life preserve!
From all oppression set me free
to live and love the God I serve.
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