Onward! Christian Soldiers

Onward! Christian soldiers,
marching as to war,
looking up to Jesus,
who has gone before:
Christ, the royal Master,
leads against the foe;
forward into battle,
see, his banners go!

Onward! Christian soldiers,
marching as to war,
looking up to Jesus,
who has gone before.

2. At the name of Jesus
Satan’s legions flee;
on then, Christian soldiers,
on to victory!
Hell’s foundations tremble
at the shout of praise:
Christians, lift your voices-
loud your anthems raise:

3. Crowns and thrones may perish,
kingdoms rise and fall,
but the church of Jesus
triumphs over all.
Gates of hell can never
‘gainst that church prevail;
we have Christ’s own promise
and that cannot fail:

4. Onward, then, you people!
March in faith, be strong!
Blend with ours your voices
in the triumph song:
‘Glory, praise and honour
be to Christ the King!’-
this through countless ages
we with angels sing:

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