Good news of God above

Good news of God above
is ours to tell abroad,
the Father’s everlasting love
in Christ the risen Lord.
For neighbours near and far
the seed of life is sown;
then spread the seed
by word and deed
to make the Saviour known.

2. The love of Christ proclaim
who left his home on high;
to live our human life he came,
our human death to die.
The Father’s only Son
became the sinners’ friend,
our lot to share,
our sin to bear,
and death’s dominion end.

3. The Lord of glory lives!
From cross and death and grave
his own abundant life he gives
to those he died to save.
His righteousness and peace
declare from sea to sea;
his praises sound
the world around
for Christ has made us free.

4. Hear now the Master’s word
to those who bear his name:
‘So send I you’, till all have heard,
make known, declare, proclaim.
Go forth in all the earth,
embrace the path he trod,
with Christ beside
as friend and guide,
to bring good news of God.

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