Go, labour on; spend and be spent

Go, labour on; spend and be spent,
your joy to do the Father’s will;
it is the way the Master went:
should not the servant tread it still?

2. Go, labour on, true wealth to know;
find heavenly gain in earthly loss:
what if unloved, unpraised you go?
Your Master triumphed through his cross.

3. Go, labour on while it is day;
the world’s dark night is hastening on:
work with all speed, while still you may;
see that the gospel’s work is done.

4. Toil on, faint not, keep watch and pray;
be wise the straying soul to win:
go out into the world’s highway,
compel the wanderer to come in.

5. Toil on and in your toil rejoice;
for toil comes rest, for exile home:
soon you shall hear the Bridegroom’s voice,
the midnight cry, ‘Behold, I come!’

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