Our God, supreme and good

Our God, supreme and good,
how richly you have loved!
But nations die for lack of food
and are we still unmoved?

2. While human lives are lost
in misery and fear,
shall we complain about the cost
of all our comforts here?

3. So many face their death
by famine, flood and war;
yet we, their neighbours, spend our breath
in crying out for more.

4. So keen to eat and drink,
so anxious what we wear!
Our God, reverse the way we think
and teach us how to share.

5. Show us we dare not wait
when desperate voices call;
save us from sending help too late,
too grudging, and too small.

6. You made your purpose known
by one rejected man;
the earth his bed, a cross his throne,
new life for all, his plan.

7. So for your world we pray
through Jesus Christ, your Son;
give us the bread we need each day:
on earth, your will be done.

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