Raise a shout of joyous triumph

Raise a shout of joyous triumph
to the Lord with heart and voice,
out of every tribe and nation
come to serve him and rejoice.

For the Lord, he is good
and his love will endure.
Yes, his faithfulness continues
both today and evermore!
For the Lord, he is good
and his love will endure.
Yes, his faithfulness continues
both today and evermore!

2. Know that he, the Lord our Maker,
is a mighty God indeed;
he protects us as his people
and the sheep he loves to feed.

For the Lord, he is good …

3. Enter now into his presence
and with grateful, glad acclaim
come – approach him with thanksgiving
and sing praises to his name!

For the Lord, he is good …
(Based on Psalm 100)

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