Risen Christ, your living presence

Risen Christ, your living presence
calls us to decision,
searching out both men and women,
urging us to act;
bringing hope of transformation
by the fulness of your love.

2. Humble Christ, where your disciples
struggle for position,
come, reveal your servant spirit,
make remembrance real;
sharing bread and wine together
in the fulness of your love.

3. Suffering Christ, where deep division
tears our world asunder,
teach us to display your passion,
justice as our end;
seeking reconciliation
through the fulness of your love.

4. Loving Christ, your call to mission
draws us into action,
out of selfish inward-looking
to a world of need;
to the poor, the sick, the hungry,
with the fulness of your love.

5. Saving Christ, without your presence
good intention falters.
Give us, in our imperfection,
hope to travel on;
that in time we may mature
into the fulness of your love.

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