Lord, your church is suffering

Lord, your church is suffering,
Christians under threat.
Evil powers are rising up,
challenging your reign.
Darkness, spreading through the earth,
shrouds the light of truth.
Satan and man’s wickedness
war against your name.

2. Prison cells for pastors,
churches burned to ash;
men and women to the sword,
children snatched away.
Refugees in foreign lands
longing to return;
families are torn apart,
lives for you are slain.

Father of justice, humbly we pray:
send forth your Spirit as fire and as dove.
Pour out your mercy, kindness and grace,
comfort your people, give strength for each day.
Food for the hungry, joy for distress,
peace for the war-torn and hope for despair.

3. Lord, your church is waiting,
longing your return,
when the lost and dispossessed
will be welcomed home.
When all tears are wiped away,
when all hurt is past,
when the joy of seeing Christ
surpasses every loss.

4. Then the new creation dawns,
then the night has fled,
warfare ended, peace on earth,
all the hungry fed.
Till that day we cry to you,
sovereign God most high:
‘May your will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven.’

Father of justice…

Lord your church is suffering,
hear our prayer.

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