Blessed be God our God

Blessed be God our God!
For he has come to us with saving might,
he has redeemed us from our helpless plight:
blessed be God our God!

2. Christ the Redeemer comes!
God’s promised Saviour, long ago foretold,
sung by the prophets and the seers of old:
Christ the Redeemer comes!

3. Our God has kept his word!
He swore to Abraham that in his seed
all tribes and nations would be blessed indeed:
our God has kept his word!

4. We are delivered now!
For God has raised up David’s greater Son,
over our foes the all-victorious One:
we are delivered now!

5. All fears are fled and gone!
Humbly to God we offer holy praise,
righteously serve our Saviour all our days:
all fears are fled and gone!

6. Our sins are pardoned now!
The Lord, his way prepared by John, makes known
salvation from his tender mercy’s throne:
our sins are pardoned now!

7. Sunshine has dawned at last!
From death’s dark shadow Jesus brings release,
guiding our feet into the way of peace:
sunshine has dawned at last!

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