Christ is the world’s Redeemer

Christ is the world’s redeemer,
the holy and the pure,
the fount of heavenly wisdom,
our trust and hope secure;
the armour of his soldiers,
the Lord of earth and sky;
our health while we are living,
our life when we shall die.

2. Christ has our host surrounded
with clouds of martyrs bright,
whose victory-palms of triumph
inspire us for the fight.
For Christ the cross ascended
to save a world undone,
and, suffering for the sinful,
our full redemption won.

3. Down in the realm of darkness
he lay a captive bound,
but at the hour appointed
he rose, a victor crowned;
and now, to heaven ascended,
he sits upon the throne,
in glorious dominion,
his Father’s and his own.

4. Glory to God the Father,
the unbegotten One;
all honour be to Jesus,
his sole-begotten Son
and to the Holy Spirit—
the perfect Trinity.
Let all the worlds give answer:
‘Amen—so let it be!’

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