Christ, the Word from everlasting

life before all time began;
God with God in perfect union,
Father’s radiance in the Son.
All the glory, all the honour—
praise him, for our God is One!

2. Christ, who made the heavens’ splendour:
see his glory in the skies.
Stars abound like scattered treasure;
call mankind to lift their eyes.
All the glory, all the honour—
praise him, for our God is wise!

3. See his wonders all around us,
works of art that bear his name;
all creation answers to him,
Christ declares: ‘This world is mine!’
All the glory, all the honour—
praise him for his rich design!

4. Christ will bring his new creation;
we will see that glorious morn.
Wait in eager expectation:
night gives way to endless dawn.
All the glory, all the honour
be to Christ for evermore!


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