Come with all joy to sing to God

Come with all joy to sing to God
our saving rock, the living Lord;
in glad thanksgiving seek his face
with songs of victory and grace.

2. In holiness and light arrayed
above all gods that we have made,
he is the one almighty king,
and his the glory that we sing.

3. The earth is his from east to west,
from ocean floor to mountain crest;
he made the sea and formed the lands,
he shaped the islands by his hands.

4. Come near to worship! Come with faith,
bow down to God who gives us breath:
God is our shepherd, God alone;
we are his people, all his own.

5. But if you hear his voice today
do not reject what he will say;
when Israel wandered from God’s path
they suffered forty years of wrath.

6. That generation went astray;
they did not want to know his way:
they put their Saviour to the test,
and saw his power, but lost their rest.

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