Extol the God of justice

Extol the God of justice
with heart and soul and voice;
remember all his wonders,
recount them and rejoice.
He stands with all who labour
for what is true and right,
till wickedness and falsehood
are banished from his sight.

2. Extol the God of justice
enthroned for evermore,
a stronghold in affliction,
a refuge to the poor:
he hears the cries of victims
and senses their despair;
in faithfulness he honours
the faith that sparks our prayer.

3. Extol the God of justice,
however dark the day:
the hope that calls for mercy
will not be turned away;
for evil shall not triumph,
nor human sin prevail:
the Lord is God eternal,
whose judgements cannot fail.

(Based on Psalm 9)

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