God of majesty and splendour

God of majesty and splendour,
God the universal King!
God whose works demand our wonder,
God whose praise the angels sing!
Who are we to sing your praises?
Who are we to speak your name?

2. God of justice and perfection,
God of Sinai’s purity,
God of mercy and compassion,
God of grace and Calvary.
Who are we to sing your praises?
Who are we to speak your name?

3. God of truth and revelation,
God who spoke from realms above,
God who came by incarnation,
God the Father’s gift of love.
Who are we to sing your praises?
Who are we to speak your name?

4. God, in Christ, who helped the needy,
God the Son who died, yet lives,
God who justifies the guilty,
God who life and pardon gives.
We through grace may sing your praises.
We rejoice to speak your name!

5. God whose Spirit sanctifies us,
God whose power makes all things new,
God whose promises sustain us,
God whose word is ever true.
We through grace may sing your praises.
We rejoice to speak your name!

6. God whose kingdom is eternal,
God whose purposes are sure,
God the triune Lord, immortal,
God, we worship and adore!
We through grace may sing your praises,
We rejoice to speak your name!

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