God’s gift of life and love has gone

God’s gift of life and love has gone-
has taken wings to realms of song
where God’s own children all belong-
‘with Christ’ in all his glory.

2. We grieve in losing such a friend,
give thanks for blessings that God sends,
rejoice in life that has no end
‘with Christ’ in all his glory.

3. He/she lived for Christ, his/her death is gain,
no more earth’s trials and suffering pain;
he’s/she’s now ‘with Christ’, with him to reign-
‘with Christ’ in all his glory.

4. He’s/she’s perfect now, enjoys God’s ‘rest’,
attains fulfilment of life’s quest;
the sovereign Lord-he knows what’s best-
‘with Christ’ in all his glory.

5. For those who mourn, Lord, we would pray,
that they may know your strength this day;
‘With Christ’! ‘Far better’! let us say-
‘with Christ’ in all his glory.

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