Hark! The song of jubilee

Hark! the song of jubilee,
loud as mighty thunders’ roar:
or the fulness of the sea,
when it breaks upon the shore.
Hallelujah! let the word
echo over hill and plain:
hallelujah! for the Lord
God omnipotent shall reign.

2. Hallelujah! Hark, the sound
from the oceans to the skies
wakes above, beneath, around
all creation’s harmonies;
see at last his banner furled,
sheathed his sword, for all is done,
and the kingdoms of this world
are the kingdom of his Son.

3. He shall reign from pole to pole,
none beyond his sovereign sway:
he shall reign, when, like a scroll,
all the heavens have passed away;
then the end-beneath his rod
man’s last enemy shall fall;
hallelujah! Christ in God,
God in Christ, is all in all.

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