Lamp of our feet, by which we trace

Lamp of our feet, by which we trace
our pathway when we stray;
stream from the fountain of God’s grace,
brook by the traveller’s way.

2. Bread of our souls, on which we feed;
true manna from on high;
our guide and chart, in which we read
of realms beyond the sky.

3. Pillar of fire through darkest night,
and guiding cloud by day;
when waves reach overwhelming height,
our anchor and our stay.

4. Word of the everlasting God,
will of his glorious Son,
without it how could earth be trod,
or heaven itself be won?

5. Yet to unfold its hidden worth,
its mysteries to reveal,
that Spirit who first breathed it forth,
its meaning must unseal.

6. Lord, grant that we may truly learn
the wisdom it imparts,
and to its heavenly teaching turn
with simple, childlike hearts.

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