Look to the skies, there’s a celebration

Look to the skies, there’s a celebration;
lift up your heads, join the angel song,
for our Creator becomes our Saviour,
as a baby born!
Angels amazed bow in adoration:
‘Glory to God in the highest heaven!’
Send the good news out to every nation,
for our hope has come.

Worship the King-come, see his brightness;
worship the King, his wonders tell:
Jesus our King is born today-
we welcome you, Immanuel!

2. Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Father for ever, the Prince of peace:
there’ll be no end to your rule of justice,
for it shall increase.
Light of your face, come to pierce our darkness;
joy of your heart, come to chase our gloom;
star of the morning, a new day dawning,
make our hearts your home.

3. Quietly he came as a helpless baby-
one day in power he will come again;
swift through the skies he will burst with splendour
on the earth to reign.
Jesus, I bow at your manger lowly;
now in my life let your will be done;
live in my flesh by your Spirit holy
till your kingdom comes.

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