Lord, with all my heart I thank you

Lord, with all my heart I thank you,
sing my praise to you alone,
and in reverence, awe and wonder
bow in worship at your throne.

Yours the name of tender mercy,
yours the true, enduring word—

you supply your fainting people
with new strength and courage, Lord!

2.   Kings and queens and state officials,
when they hear what you proclaim,
shall acknowledge your transcendence,
giving glory to your name.

Yours the name of tender mercy…

3.   Lord, you know us, proud or humble,
you perceive our every thought:
though afflictions overwhelm us
we’ll stand firm with your support.

Yours the name of tender mercy—

4.   All that you have purposed for me
you are sure to carry through;
Lord, your love is everlasting—
let me always stay with you.

Yours the name of tender mercy…



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