May the grace of Christ, our Saviour

be our guide in all we do,
for his willing self-abasement
shows the pathway to pursue;
as we give to other people
may he make us rich indeed,
bringing to our human frailty
all the strength he knows we need.

2. May the love of God our Father
clothe and fill us day by day;
may compassion be our watchword
and forgiveness chart our way—
for to holiness he called us,
to reflect his purity:
in our actions may his kindness
be a light for all to see.

3. May the friendship of God’s Spirit
be a joy for ever near;
in our times of doubt and trouble
may his presence banish fear.
As his comfort makes us stronger,
glorious freedom may we know;
by the life of God he brings us,
more like Jesus may we grow.

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