O Christ, the great foundation

O Christ, the great foundation
on which your people stand
to preach the true salvation
in every age and land:
pour out your Holy Spirit
to make us strong and pure,
to keep the faith unbroken
as long as worlds endure.

2. Baptized in one confession,
one church in all the earth,
we bear our Lord’s impression,
the sign of second birth:
one fellowship united
in love beyond our own-
by grace we were invited,
by grace we make you known.

3. Where tyrants’ hold is tightened,
where strong devour the weak,
where innocents are frightened
and good men fear to speak,
there let your church awaking
attack the powers of sin
and, all their ramparts breaking,
with you the victory win.

4. The gates of hell are yielding,
the hordes of Satan fly,
for Christ the Lord is wielding
the sword of victory:
this is the moment glorious
when he who once was dead
shall lead his church victorious,
their champion and their head.

5. He comes with acclamation
to claim his holy bride;
she stands in exultation,
the Bridegroom at her side:
the Lord of all creation
his Father’s kingdom brings-
the final consummation,
the glory of all things.

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