Priest and victim, Jesus dies

Priest and victim, Jesus dies—
gives himself in sacrifice.
Christ, the sinless Son of God,
offers up for us his blood,
gives himself in sacrifice—
Priest and victim, Jesus dies!

2. Mighty victor, see him rise,
bringing us to paradise;
sin and death no more may claim
those who trust his saving name:
bringing us to paradise,
mighty victor, see him rise!

3. Lord of life, behold him stand
now for us at God’s right hand.
Still our human frame he wears,
feels our woes and heeds our prayers:
now for us at God’s right hand,
Lord of life, behold him stand!

4. Prince and Saviour, Christ shall come,
soon to take his ransomed home;
his the kingdom, his the power,
his the glory, in that hour—
soon to take his ransomed home,
Prince and Saviour, Christ shall come!

5. King for ever, he shall reign,
Lord of death and sin and pain;
pure and righteous, strong and free,
he shall rule in equity:
Lord of death and sin and pain,
King forever he shall reign!

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