Shelter safely in the shadow
Shelter safely in the shadow
of the Almighty, God most High;
call the Lord your rock and fortress,
God on whom your hopes rely.
Kept by him from mortal danger,
saved from hazards well concealed,
you will find his wings a refuge
and his faithfulness a shield.
2. Fear, then, neither days of violence,
nor the terror of the night,
nor the plague that stalks in darkness
or destroys by noonday light;
though a thousand fall beside you,
it will not endanger you:
you will only watch and witness
as the wicked get their due.
3. If you make the Lord your refuge,
God most High your lifelong home,
no disaster will befall you,
near your tent no trouble come.
Neither will his angels let you
dash your foot against a stone;
you will tread on lion and serpent,
trample every evil down.
4. ‘Since you set your heart upon me,
I will keep you safe from them,
covering you with my protection,
for you know and trust my name.
Call on me and I will answer,
I’ll be with you in distress,
grant you freedom, life and glory,
saved for ever by my grace.’
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