The servants of God are baptized

The servants of God are baptized,
with Jesus made visibly one;
come, Spirit, and clothe them with power,
the world and its pleasures to shun.

2. The servants of God are baptized,
salvation revealed and displayed;
come, Spirit, and seal on their minds
the sacrifice Jesus has made.

3. The servants of God are baptized,
united with Christ in his death;
come, Spirit descend on their souls
and fill with your life-giving breath.

4. The servants of God are baptized,
immersed in the tomb with their Lord;
come, Spirit, and open their eyes
to walk in the light of God’s word.

5. The servants of God are baptized,
they rise up with Christ to new life;
come, Spirit, abide in their hearts
for days of temptation and strife.

6. The servants of God are baptized,
with Christians made visibly one;
come, Spirit, and rest on us now
to worship God’s glorious Son.

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