The story has broken

The story has broken,
an angel has spoken,
and this is the token
that Jesus is here:
he comes as a stranger
regardless of danger,
the Lord in a manger,
the babe without peer.

2. O counsel of splendour,
O sacrifice tender,
that God should surrender
to us in this way;
his purpose revealing,
his promises sealing,
the pledge of our healing,
the dawn of our day!

3. The shepherds returning,
and wise men of learning
their Saviour discerning,
his praises will sing:
as those who first saw him
and knelt down before him,
so let us adore him
and worship our King.

4. O infinite treasure,
O love without measure,
it is God’s good pleasure
to give us his Son,
the source of creation,
the hope of each nation,
the great jubilation
of heaven begun!

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