Trouble may break with the dawn

Trouble may break with the dawn
and evil may come and darkness will fall;
clouds will appear in the sky
and tears in our eyes and pain in the soul.
But God stands at his people’s side,
gives them a place to hide,
rescues and saves them, takes them to heaven
and in his own dear Son he brings them home.

2. Sin may take hold in our lives
and Satan draw near to fill us with fear;
conscience accuse and condemn
for things we’ve done wrong and silence our song.
But God sending his Son to save,
raising him from the grave,
pardons our sin, renews us within
and gives us a cause to sing, to sing again.

3. So join in this new song today,
rejoice in the Lord and come and adore
this glorious God of all grace.
Look into his face and worship him more.
For God sets all his people free,
opens their eyes to see
wonders of love in Jesus above.
He’s sitting enthroned on high for you and me.

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