With joy we contemplate the grace

With joy we contemplate the grace
of our high priest above;
his heart is made of tenderness,
and overflows with love.

2. Touched with a sympathy within,
our frailty he has known;
he knows what fierce temptations mean,
for he has felt our own.

3. But holy, innocent and pure
the great Redeemer stood,
while Satan’s worst assaults he bore
and did resist to blood.

4. He, in the days of fragile flesh,
poured out his cries and tears
and, as our head, now feels afresh
what every member bears.

5. He will not quench the smouldering wick
but fans it to a flame,
the wounded reed he will not break,
nor scorn the lowest name.

6. Then let our humble faith confess
his mercy and his power:
so we shall find his saving grace
when comes the evil hour.

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