You give us so much: a world to enjoy

You give us so much:
a world to enjoy,
such treasures to find,
such skills to employ:
the lavish abundance
of all that you give
invites us to flourish,
not merely to live!

2.   You give us your all:
in Christ you have shown
the price you would pay
to make us your own:
our debts have been cleared by
his death on the cross–
now heaven stands open:
our gain from his loss.

3.   As children of grace,
with all who believe
we bring you our thanks
for all we receive–
yet who can imagine
how far it extends,
this generous care which
you show to your friends?

4.   Then what can we do
to answer your call,
but give you our first,
our best and our all?
Our money, our time and
our talents we bring–
our lives as a love-gift
to honour our King.


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