Bohemian Brethren, Kirchengesänge 1566


The much-abbreviated title of the last of a small group of early German and Slovak Psalters from this source between 1531 and 1566, each of which has yielded some classic hymn tunes in current use. This one (alone) was published in Berlin. The Bohemian Brethren originated in the mid-15th c; later known as (or merged with) the Moravians, they were to have a significant influence of the development of English-language hymnody, mainly but not only through Methodism. Their original emphases included Bible teaching, education, a simple lifestyle and the rejection of Romanism and ritualism. See also Weisse’s Gesangbüchlein. No.559.

Tunes and arrangements by Bohemian Brethren, Kirchengesänge 1566

Tune Name
Mit Freuden Zart