Browse Hymns

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NumberNo Name Author Composer
404That priceless gift what tongue can tellJ Alec Motyer Mawson, Linda
405The darkness turns to dawnTimothy Dudley-Smith Warren, Norman Leonard
406We were not there to see you comeJohn H Gurney 1802-62 and…Stainer, John
407All glory, praise and honourTheodulph of Oleans c.…Teschner, Melchior
408Ride on, ride on in majestyHenry H Milman 1791-1868 Dykes, John Bacchus
409Behold the amazing sight!Philip Doddridge 1702-51 Howard, Samuel
410A purple robe, a crown of thornTimothy Dudley-Smith Wilson, David Gordon
411Alas! And did my Saviour bleedIsaac Watts 1674-1748 Hull, Asa
412Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offendedRobert Bridges 1844-1930,…Crüger, Johann
413Approach with awe this holiest placeTimothy Dudley-Smith Summers, Joseph
414At the cross of JesusJohn Eddison 1916 –…Monk, William Henry
415Come and see, come and seeGraham Kendrick Kendrick, Graham Andrew
416Deep is the love of JesusOlive and Noel Allsup Allsup, Olive Joyce
417Give me a sight, O SaviourKatherine A M Kelly…
418Go to dark GethsemaneJames Montgomery…Evans, David
419Hark! The voice of love and mercyJonathan Evans 1748-1809 Musical and Poetic…
420He stood before the courtChristopher Idle Calkin, John Baptiste
421Glory be to JesusItalian c.1815 Trans.…Filitz, Friedrich
422He was pierced for our transgressionsMaggi Dawn Dawn, Maggi Eleanor
423Higher than the hillsNorman J Clayton 1903-92 Clayton, Norman John