Search Results


841. How rich and deep God's judgements are How rich and deep God's judgements are, his knowledge, how profound! Who understands the path he takes? His wisdom, who can sound? If we should try to guide his thoughts no counsel could we find to…
145B. I will exalt you, God my King I will exalt you, God my king, for ever praise, for ever sing all glory to your treasured name: all praise, all love, our hearts proclaim! 2. As parents to their children tell how always God…
641. According to your gracious word According to your gracious word, because you died for me, I will remember you, my Lord, in meek humility. 2. Your body, broken for my sake, my bread from heaven shall be; I will remember you, and…
1116. Sovereign Lord, as you have promised Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, now dismiss this soul in peace, for my eyes have seen salvation, for my heart has known release from the sin that lies within me staining thoughts and words…
1034. Up to the hills I lift my eyes Up to the hills I lift my eyes. Is it from there my help will rise? God made the hills, the earth, the skies, and he will help. 2 He won't allow your foot to slip, faithful the watch your God…
709. What offering shall we give What offering shall we give or what atonement bring to God by whom alone we live, high heaven's eternal King? 2. For all the blood of beasts on Jewish altars slain could never give the conscience…
119D. Lord, I delight to recall your commandments Lord, I delight to recall your commandments and the perfection of your moral law; teach me, instruct me, and thus I'll retain them deep in my heart to the end of my days. 2. Keep me from…
735. My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; for you all the pleasures of sin I resign: to you, my Redeemer and Saviour, I bow- if ever I loved you, if ever I loved you, if ever I loved you, my Jesus,…
813. O sweetest love, O love divine O sweetest love, O love divine, when shall this willing heart of mine yours only, wholly be? I thirst, I faint, I die to prove the greatness of redeeming love, the love of Christ for me. 2. Stronger…
111. Give to the Lord wholehearted praise Give to the Lord wholehearted praise. I will extol the Lord my king; with all his people I will raise my voice, and of his glory sing. 2. Great are his deeds; his name we bless, his works we…
33. Let all the righteous to the Lord Let all the righteous to the Lord their joyful voices raise! How right that they should play and sing to him new songs of praise! For faithful are his word and works, beyond all human worth; the…
603. Come, my soul, your plea prepare Come, my soul, your plea prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer; he himself has bid you pray, therefore will not turn away. 2. You are coming to a king; large petitions with you bring, for his grace…
846. Lord and Saviour, true and kind Lord and saviour, true and kind, be the Master of my mind; bless and guide and strengthen still all my powers of thought and will. 2. While I face the scholar's task, Jesus Christ, be near, I…
843. Jesus, I my cross have taken Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave and follow you: Son of man, despised, forsaken, Lord of all I am or do. Perish every fond ambition, all I've sought and hoped and known; yet how rich is my…
1111. I bring my praise to you, my God, my Maker I bring my praise to you, my God, my maker, whose loving purpose guides me all my days: I am astounded by the recognition that all I am lies open to your gaze; and you designed me to reflect your…
215. Awake, my soul, and with the sun Part 1 Awake, my soul, and with the sun your daily stage of duty run; shake off dull sleep and joyful rise to make your morning sacrifice. 2. Redeem your mis-spent time that’s past and live this…
314. Lord I lift your name on high Lord, I lift your name on high; Lord, I love to sing your praises. I’m so glad you’re in my life; I’m so glad you came to save us. You came from heaven to earth to show the way from the earth to…
955. Who can sound the depths of sorrow Who can sound the depths of sorrow in the father-heart of God, for the children we've rejected, for the lives so deeply scarred? And each light that we've extinguished has brought darkness to our…
625. Jesus, the name high over all Jesus, the name high over all in hell or earth or sky; angels and men before it fall and devils fear and fly, and devils fear and fly. 2. Jesus, the name to sinners dear, the name to sinners…
418. Go to dark Gethsemane Go to dark gethsemane, you that feel the tempter's power; your Redeemer's conflict see, watch with him one bitter hour; turn not from his griefs away: learn from Jesus Christ to pray. 2. Follow to…
437. There is a green hill far away There is a green hill far away outside a city wall, where our dear Lord was crucified, who died to save us all. 2. We may not know, we cannot tell what pains he had to bear, but we believe it was for…
1096. We come to you, our gracious, holy King We come to you, our gracious, holy king, redeemed from sin by Jesus' precious blood; in Christ we join our thankful hearts and sing affirming: 'You are worthy, you are good!' 2. You sent your…
593. Christ, from whom all blessings flow Christ, from whom all blessings flow to perfect your church below, Christ, whose nature now we share, work in us, your body here. Join our faithful spirits, join each to each, with yours made…
909. The sands of time are sinking The sands of time are sinking; the dawn of heaven breaks: the summer morn I've longed for, the fair, sweet morn awakes. Dark, dark has been the midnight but sunrise is at hand with glory, glory…
1104. Good news throughout the world Good news throughout the world is centred in God's Son, for in his love for us there's hope for everyone. In Jesus' death we all can find redeeming grace for lost mankind. 2. To people far and…
1308. May the grace of Christ, our Saviour MAY THE GRACE OF CHRIST, OUR SAVIOUR, be our guide in all we do, for his willing self-abasement shows the pathway to pursue; as we give to other people may he make us rich indeed, bringing to…
1127. Glory and power to the one who loves us Glory and power to the one who loves us. Honour and praise him for ever. Come, Lord Jesus; come, Lord Jesus. 2.   Glory and power to the One who freed us from all our sins by his…
1013. No condemnation now No condemnation now, with Jesus Christ within, the Spirit's law of life has conquered death and sin; and so my song shall ever be that Jesus Christ has set me free. 2. God sent his only…
973. When this passing world is done When this passing world is done, when has sunk the radiant sun, when I stand with Christ on high, seeing all life's history, then, Lord, shall I fully know, not till then, how much I owe. 2. When I…
1094. We sing of fruitful harvests We sing of fruitful harvests and praise you for our food; for homes and all the pleasures we count as for our good. But are we truly thankful, do we respect your will, and know, if we had…