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945. Our God, supreme and good Our God, supreme and good, how richly you have loved! But nations die for lack of food and are we still unmoved? 2. While human lives are lost in misery and fear, shall we complain about the cost of…
1216. When you think what you were told When you think what you were told does it take your breath away— how the Saviour of the world once a tiny infant lay? Where the sheep and donkey fed our Redeemer we can see born this human…
1116. Sovereign Lord, as you have promised Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, now dismiss this soul in peace, for my eyes have seen salvation, for my heart has known release from the sin that lies within me staining thoughts and words…
1297. What kind of king? WHAT KIND OF KING IS CROWNED WITH THORNS or robed in nakedness and shame? So cruelly beaten, mocked and scorned, he bears the weight of all our blame. What kind of king would stand condemned,…
936. The Lord created family The Lord created family to make his kindness known: for when we care the way we ought our love reflects his own- a love which always reaches out to those who feel alone. 2. Give thanks for all the…
1204. From small beginnings in the past From small beginnings in the past, for those who planted, built to last, and followed Christ, the Way; for those with hope who pioneered, who kept the faith and persevered, we praise our God…
273. Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song, the joy of my heart, and the boast of my tongue; your free grace alone, from the first to the last, has won my affections, and bound my soul fast. 2. Your…
845. Lift up your heads, you mighty gates Lift up your heads, you mighty gates, behold, the King of glory waits! The King of kings is drawing near, the Saviour of the world is here! Salvation, life he comes to bring; prepare your hearts,…
1234. Come praise and glorify our God Come praise and glorify our God, the Father of our Lord; in Christ he has in heavenly realms his blessings on us poured. For pure and blameless in his sight he destined us to be, and now we’ve…
348. On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry announces that the Lord is nigh: awake and listen, for he brings good news of Christ, the King of kings. 2. Let every soul be cleansed from sin, make straight…
237. Father, let us dedicate Father, let us dedicate all this year to you, for the service small or great you would have us do; not from sorrow, pain or care, freedom dare we claim; this alone shall be our prayer, ‘Glorify your…
5009. God's word is a light to show me the way God's word is a light to show me the way, a mirror to see myself as God sees me. God's word is a sword to fight against sin, to show me God's love and make me pure within. It is food for Christians,…
594. Father and God, from whom the world derives Father and God, from whom the world derives all fatherhood in every family, we bow our knees for power to fill our lives, your mighty grace, your Spirit's energy. 2. For Christ to make his home in…
571. Head of your church triumphant Head of your church triumphant, we joyfully adore you! Till you appear your members here shall sing with those in glory. We lift our hearts and voices in glad anticipation and cry aloud and give to…
77. I cried out to God to help me I cried out to God to help me in my turmoil and my grief; all night long I pleaded with him, yet my soul found no relief. I remembered God with sorrow and my groaning heart grew faint; wearied,…
957. Who sees it all, before whose gaze Who sees it all, before whose gaze is darkest night bright as the day; watching as in the secret place his likeness forms upon a face? 2. Who sees it all, the debt that's owed of lives unlived, of…
299. How sweet the name of Jesus sounds How sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer’s ear! It soothes our sorrows, heals our wounds and drives away our fear. 2. It makes the wounded spirit whole, and calms each heart…
1265. For the cause of Christ the King FOR THE CAUSE OF CHRIST THE KING we give our lives, an offering, till all the earth resounds with ceaseless praise to the Son. 2. For the cause of Christ we go with joy to reap,…
395. All praise to Christ, our Lord and King divine All praise to Christ , our Lord and king divine, yielding your glory in your love's design, that in our darkened hearts your grace might shine: Alleluia! 2. You came to us in lowliness of thought; by…
926. Show me how to stand for justice Show me how to stand for justice: how to work for what is right, how to challenge false assumptions, how to walk within the light. May I learn to share more freely in a world so full of greed, showing…
315. Meekness and majesty Meekness and majesty, manhood and deity, in perfect harmony, the man who is God. Lord of eternity dwells in humanity, kneels in humility and washes our feet. O, what a mystery, meekness and…
1100. As we open up your word today As we open up your word today, give us ears for what you have to say, for your Spirit's help we humbly pray; speak to us, Lord. Gladly now we come to learn from you, wholly trusting that your…
40. Patient in hope, I sought the Lord Patient in hope, I sought the Lord; he turned to me-my cry was heard! Raising me from the miry pit, on solid rock he set my feet. He turned my cry to newborn song: from heart and voice God’s…
411. Alas! And did my Saviour bleed Alas! and did my saviour bleed and did my Sovereign die? Did he devote that sacred head for such a one as I? 2. Was it for sins that I had done he suffered on the tree? Amazing pity, grace…
1162. There is a Kingdom coming There is a kingdom coming, so we must take a stand and answer to our calling within this foreign land. As long as we are doubting, confusion rules the day; the more we feel at home here, the…
1127. Glory and power to the one who loves us Glory and power to the one who loves us. Honour and praise him for ever. Come, Lord Jesus; come, Lord Jesus. 2.   Glory and power to the One who freed us from all our sins by his…
1112. Lord, we thank you for the promise Lord, we thank you for the promise seen in every human birth: you have planned each new beginning-- who could hope for greater worth? Hear our prayer for those we cherish: claim our children as…
317. Mighty God, while angels bless you Mighty God, while angels bless you, may a mortal praise your name? Lord of men, as well as angels, you are every creature’s theme. Lord of every land and nation, Ancient of eternal days, sounded…
1312. Lift your eyes to the Lord your God LIFT YOUR EYES TO THE LORD YOUR GOD, Father of goodness and grace; all of your burdens and gifts of praise, come, lay them down in this place. For his arm is mighty and his love will…
928. Happy the home that welcomes you, Lord Jesus Happy the home that welcomes you, Lord Jesus, truest of friends, most honoured guest of all; where hearts and eyes are bright with joy to greet you, your slightest wishes eager to fulfil. 2. Happy…