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168. Almighty God, whose name is great Almighty God, whose name is great, exalted over heaven and earth, we worship you and celebrate the wonder of our Saviour’s birth: the news that calmed the shepherds’ fears has been proclaimed two…
411. Alas! And did my Saviour bleed Alas! and did my saviour bleed and did my Sovereign die? Did he devote that sacred head for such a one as I? 2. Was it for sins that I had done he suffered on the tree? Amazing pity, grace…
135. Sing praise to the Lord God Almighty Sing praise to the Lord God almighty, proclaim all his glory abroad. O praise him, you servants appointed to stand in the house of our God. Give praise to the Lord for his goodness; how pleasant…
579. Your hand, O God, has guided Your hand, O God, has guided your flock, from age to age; your faithfulness is written on history's every page. They knew your perfect goodness, whose deeds we now record; and both to this bear…
456. Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands for our offences given; but now at God's right hand he stands, and brings us life from heaven: let us give thanks and joyful be, and to our God sing…
299. How sweet the name of Jesus sounds How sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer’s ear! It soothes our sorrows, heals our wounds and drives away our fear. 2. It makes the wounded spirit whole, and calms each heart…
190. O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder O Lord my God! when I in awesome wonder consider all the works thy hand hath made, I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, thy power throughout the universe displayed: Then sings my soul, my…
1237. Trees along the river Trees along the river, sunshine on our way; wind across the hilltop, sea and sand and spray: rain for thirsty pastures, scenes of green and blue, every brilliant rainbow shows us something…
1029. In an age of twisted values In an age of twisted values we have lost the truth we need; in sophisticated language we have justified our greed; by our struggle for possessions we have robbed the poor and weak – hear our…
1269. Awake, awake, O Zion AWAKE, AWAKE, O ZION,  and clothe yourself with strength,  shake off your dust and fix your eyes on him.  For you have been redeemed   by the precious blood of Jesus,  and now…
533. Lord, the light of your love is shining Lord, the light of your love is shining, in the midst of the darkness, shining: Jesus, light of the world, shine upon us; set us free by the truth you now bring us- shine on me, shine on me: Shine,…
1143. You have not come to Sinai's mount You have not come to sinai's mount with fear of condemnation; but you have come to heaven's height, with angels' jubilation! For all God's wrath from broken law, the terror of his power, was…
838. Fill all my life, O Lord my God Fill all my life, O Lord my God, in every part with praise; that my whole being may proclaim your being and your ways. 2. Not for the lip of praise alone, nor yet the praising heart, I ask, but for a…
909. The sands of time are sinking The sands of time are sinking; the dawn of heaven breaks: the summer morn I've longed for, the fair, sweet morn awakes. Dark, dark has been the midnight but sunrise is at hand with glory, glory…
767. Though troubles assail Though troubles assail and dangers affright, though friends should all fail and foes all unite, yet one thing secures us, however we're tried: the Scripture assures us, 'The Lord will provide.' 2.…
23C. The King of love my shepherd is The king of love my shepherd is, whose goodness fails me never; I nothing lack if I am his and he is mine for ever. 2. Where streams of living waters flow, a ransomed soul, he leads me; and…
265. All nature is an open book All nature is an open book to spread her maker's praise abroad, and every page on which we look shows something worthy of a God. 2. But in the grace that rescued man his brightest form of glory…
1046. Lord, your love will always find me Lord, your love will always find me, even in the deepest place; even there your hand will lift me up into your heart of grace. You have planned and you can see all that I will ever be; Lord, it…
1211. This is the man who runs with God This is the man who runs with God! Who aims where such forerunners trod? He sets the pace, he wins the crown; he spends his life, he lays it down. 2. This is the place where he is known; in…
778. Jesus, your blood and righteousness Jesus, your blood and righteousness my beauty are, my glorious dress; mid burning worlds, in these arrayed, with joy I shall lift up my head. 2. Bold shall I stand on your great day and none condemn…
601. As we come before you to pray As we come before you to pray we feel our sins will make you turn away, yet we long to know that we have been forgiven and your smile is resting on your church again. 2. All our hearts to you are…
100B. Shout for joy Shout for joy! Rejoice in the Lord, every nation! Shout for joy! In his praise unite; serve the Lord with all jubilation, come before him, singing with delight. 2. Know that he, the Lord, is…
1054. Raise a shout of joyous triumph Raise a shout of joyous triumph to the Lord with heart and voice, out of every tribe and nation come to serve him and rejoice. For the Lord, he is good and his love will endure. Yes, his…
1318. My Lord, I often tremble with such fear MY LORD, I OFTEN TREMBLE WITH SUCH FEAR to stand for you and speak your truth so clear; to hold up high the standard of your Name, to live, or die, without a hint of shame. These days are cold,…
CP18. Good christians all, rejoice GOOD CHRISTIANS ALL, REJOICE with heart and soul and voice! Listen now to what we say: Jesus Christ is born today; ox and ass before him bow and he is in the manger now! Christ is born…
37. When lawless people thrive When lawless people thrive and wrong suppresses right, remember they will fade away and wither overnight. Commit your life to God, and trust the Lord to make the justice of your righteous…
718. O hidden source of calm repose O hidden source of calm repose, O all-sufficient love divine, my help and refuge from my foes, secure I am if you are mine: and from all sin, and grief, and shame, I shelter, Jesus, in your name. 2.…
1052. Lord, you know and study me Lord, you know and study me and, Lord, you read my mind. Lord, you know me through and through, you watch me all the time. Close behind me, close in front, you shield me with your hand. Such…
57. O God, from whom all mercy springs O God, from whom all mercy springs, on you my trusting soul I cast; conceal me underneath your wings until the raging storm is past. O God most High, hear my distress: work out your perfect will…
431. Jesus in the olive grove Jesus in the olive grove, waiting for a traitor's kiss, rises free from bitterness. 2. As he wakes his comrades up, torches flicker in the glen: shadows turn to marching men. 3. In that dawn of…