Search Results


1268. Your love is greater than the highest heights of heaven There are two versions of the text for this song. The second version, shown further down the page, is for the alternative arrangement YOUR LOVE IS GREATER THAN the highest heights of…
867. With joy I welcome, Lord, your right With joy I welcome, Lord, your right to every service I can pay; and call it my supreme delight to hear your word and to obey. 2. What are my days apart from you, my sure support, my noblest…
475. Welcome, happy morning! Age to age shall say 'Welcome, happy morning!' age to age shall say; hell today is vanquished; heaven is won today! See! the dead is living, God for evermore; him, their true Creator, all his works adore: 'Welcome, happy…
568. Church of God, elect and glorious Church of God, elect and glorious, holy nation, chosen race; called as God's own special people, royal priests and heirs of grace: know the purpose of your calling, show to all his mighty deeds; tell…
618. Facing a task unfinished Facing a task unfinished, that drives us to our knees, a need that, undiminished, rebukes our slothful ease, we, who rejoice to know you, renew before your throne the solemn pledge we owe you to go…
30A. I exalt you, Lord eternal I exalt you, Lord eternal, from the depths you raised my soul; all my enemies were silent, all their gloating tongues were still. Lord, I called on you to help me, and you healed me in my…
1326. How I Love The Voice Of Jesus – It Was Finished Upon That Cross HOW I LOVE THE VOICE OF JESUS on the cross of Calvary; he declares his work is finished, he has spoken this hope to me. Though the sun had ceased its shining, though the war appeared as…
553. God in his wisdom, for our learning God in his wisdom, for our learning, gave his inspired and holy word: promise of Christ, for our discerning, by which our souls are moved and stirred, finding our hearts within us burning when, as of…
1285. Turn your eyes upon Jesus TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS; look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace. 2. Turn your eyes to the…
587. Blessed be the tie that binds Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; the fellowship of kindred minds foreshadows that above. 2. Before our Father's throne we pour our fervent prayers; our fears, our hopes,…
1303. O, the mercy of God O, THE MERCY OF GOD, THE GLORY OF GRACE, that you chose to redeem us, to forgive and restore; and you call us your children, chosen in him to be holy and blameless, to the glory of God. …
540. Revive your church, O Lord Revive your church, O Lord, in grace and power draw near; speak with the voice that wakes the dead, and make your people hear! 2. Revive your church, O Lord, disturb the sleep of death; give life to…
446. Through all our days, we'll sing the praise Through all our days we'll sing the praise of Christ, the resurrected; who, though divine, did not decline to be by men afflicted: pain, pain and suffering- he knew its taste, he bore its…
506. Christ is surely coming, bringing his reward Christ is surely coming, bringing his reward, Alpha and Omega, first and last and Lord: Root and Stem of David, brilliant morning Star. Meet your Judge and Saviour, nations near and far! Meet your…
521. Into a world of dark Into a world of dark, waste and disordered space, he came, a wind that moved across the waters' face. 2. The Spirit in the wild breathed, and a world began. From shapelessness came form, from…
511. Lo! He comes with clouds descending Lo! he comes with clouds descending, once for favoured sinners slain; thousand thousand saints attending hail the King who comes again. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! God appears, on earth to…
103B. Praise my soul, the King of heaven Praise my soul, the king of heaven, to his feet your tribute bring; ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, who like me his praise should sing? Praise him! Praise him! Praise him! Praise…
672. The kingdom of God The kingdom of God is justice and joy, for Jesus restores what sin would destroy. God's power and glory in Jesus we know; and here and hereafter the kingdom shall grow. 2. The kingdom of God is mercy…
555. Lord God, who breathed your word of old Lord God, who breathed your word of old on those who wrote the sacred page, the same through all the years untold- to us, in our degenerate age, the Spirit of your word impart and breathe his life…
617. All earth was dark until you spoke All earth was dark until you spoke, then all was light and all was peace. Yet still, O God, so many wait to see the flame of love released. Light to the world, O Light of man, kindle in us a…
859. Jesus, Master, whose I am Jesus, master, whose I am, purchased yours alone to be, by your blood, O perfect Lamb, shed so willingly for me: let my heart be all your own, let me live to you alone. 2. Jesus, Master, whom I…
888. Our God stands like a fortress rock Our God stands like a fortress rock with walls that will not fail us; he helps us brace against the shock of fears which now assail us. The enemy of old in wickedness is bold; this seems his victory…
856. How urgent is the summons How urgent is the summons addressed to us by name: your holy call is life and death, an all-embracing claim; and yet our hearts are tepid: how slowly we obey the voice which bids us take the cross and…
483. Hail, O once rejected Jesus Hail, O once rejected Jesus! Hail, O Galilean King! You have suffered to release us and your free salvation bring. Hail, O agonizing Saviour, bearer of our sin and shame, by your merits we find…
795. Great Father of glory, how rich is your grace Great father of glory, how rich is your grace, what wonderful love is displayed in your face! In Jesus your visible image we view, and hope to be made in his likeness anew. 2. In Jesus we're chosen,…
331. Songs of thankfulness and praise Songs of thankfulness and praise Jesus, Lord, to you we raise, once revealed, when heaven’s star brought the wise men from afar; branch of royal David’s stem in your birth at Bethlehem: Word…
166. In awe and wonder, Lord our God In awe and wonder, Lord our God, we bow before your throne; such holiness and burning love are yours and yours alone. 2. Angelic spirits, night and day adore your name on high. Eternal Lord in…
599. The gifts we bring express our love The gifts we bring express our love to you who left the heavens above and showed through poverty and pain a God who gives and gives again. Freely, freely, freely we have received; gladly, gladly,…
247. How shall I sing that majesty How shall I sing that majesty which angel hosts admire? Let dust in dust and silence lie; sing, sing, you heavenly choir. Thousands of thousands stand around your throne, O God most high; ten thousand…
1213. Come see Mount Sinai Come see mount sinai, where God gave the law received by Moses from his hand divine; and where the man his maker’s glory saw, which made his face with dazzling radiance shine. So may we see the…