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239. For your mercy and your grace For your mercy and your grace faithful through another year, hear our song of thankfulness, Saviour and Redeemer, hear. 2. All our sins on you we cast, you, our perfect sacrifice; and, forgetting…
727. Beyond all knowledge is your love divine Beyond all knowledge is your love divine, my Saviour, Jesus! Yet this soul of mine would of your love, in all its breadth and length, its height and depth, its everlasting strength, know more and…
1148. Speak, O Lord Speak, O Lord, as we come to you to receive the food of your holy word. Take your truth, plant it deep in us; shape and fashion us in your likeness, that the light of Christ might be seen…
880. Christian, seek not yet repose Christian, seek not yet repose, cast your dreams of ease away: you are in the midst of foes- watch and pray. 2. Principalities and powers, mustering their unseen array, wait for your unguarded…
393. Transfigured Christ, none comprehends Transfigured Christ, none comprehends your majesty, whose splendour stuns all waking souls; whose light transcends the brightness of a thousand suns! 2. You stand with Moses on the hill, you speak of…
27A. The Lord is my light and salvation The Lord is my light and salvation; what person on earth shall I fear, what power in the whole of creation? The Lord, my life’s stronghold, is near. The wicked may look to devour me, but they…
501. Where high the heavenly temple stands Where high the heavenly temple stands, the house of God not made with hands, a great high priest our nature wears, the guardian of mankind appears. 2. He who our guarantor once stood and poured on…
916. For the fruits of his creation For the fruits of his creation, thanks be to God; for his gifts to every nation, thanks be to God; for the ploughing, sowing, reaping, silent growth while we are sleeping, future needs in earth's safe…
699. Beneath the cross of Jesus Beneath the cross of Jesus I gladly take my stand; the shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land; a home within the wilderness, a rest upon the way, from the burning of the noontide heat, and the…
734. My heart is full of Christ, and longs My heart is full of Christ, and longs its glorious subject to proclaim! Of him I make my noblest songs- I cannot cease to praise his name; my eager tongue delights to sing the glories of my heavenly…
513. Your Kingdom come, O God Your kingdom come, O God! your rule, O Christ, begin; break with your iron rod the tyrannies of sin. 2. Where is your reign of peace and purity and love? When shall all hatred cease as in the realms…
24B. This earth belongs to God This earth belongs to God, the world, its wealth, and all its people; he formed the waters wide and fashioned every sea and shore. AWho may go up the hill of the Lord and stand in the place of…
264. The Lord eternal reigns The Lord eternal reigns, his throne is built on high; the kingly robes he wears are light and majesty: his glories shine with beams so bright no mortal eye can bear the sight. 2. The thunders of his…
360. Holy child, how still you lie Holy child, how still you lie! Safe the manger, soft the hay; faint upon the eastern sky breaks the dawn of Christmas Day. 2. Holy child, whose birthday brings shepherds from their field and…
195. Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him; praise him, angels in the height; sun and moon, rejoice before him; praise him, all you stars and light. Praise the Lord, for he has spoken, worlds his mighty…
576. Should I rehearse with human voice Should I rehearse with human voice the words which angels make their choice, devoid of love, my song resounds magnificent but empty. And should I preach with earnest tone and know whatever can be…
910. O Christ, you wept when grief was raw O Christ, you wept when grief was raw, and felt for those who mourned their friend; come close to where we would not be and hold us, numbed by this life's end. 2. The well-loved voice is silent…
1276. O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer O LORD, MY ROCK AND MY REDEEMER, greatest treasure of my longing soul; my God, like you there is no other, true delight is found in you alone. Your grace a well too deep to fathom, your love…
222. The day you gave us, Lord, is ended The day you gave us, Lord, is ended, the darkness falls at your behest; to you our morning hymns ascended, your praise shall sanctify our rest. 2. We thank you that your church, unsleeping while…
1242. And he shall reign for ever And he shall reign for ever, his throne and crown shall ever endure. And he shall reign for ever, and we shall reign with him. 1. What a vision filled my eyes, one like a Son of…
64. Receive, O God, my anguished prayer Receive, O God, my anguished prayer: protect my life from those I dread, and from the evil they prepare in their desire to see me dead. 2. Their tongues they sharpen like a blade, and aim with…
359. Hark! The herald angels sing Hark! the herald angels sing, 'Glory to the new-born King, peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!' Joyful, all you nations, rise, join the triumph of the skies; with the angelic…
73. What blessings God bestows What blessings God bestows, what gifts of grace imparts, what loving-kindliness he shows to pure and upright hearts. Yet still the world goes by in power and wealth and pride, the lawless head…
383. There was no room in Bethlehem There was no room in bethlehem for him who left his throne to seek the lost at countless cost and make their griefs his own: but there was room at Calvary upon a cross of shame for him to die,…
38. Rebuke me not in anger, Lord Rebuke me not in anger, Lord: restrain your wrath, I pray; grant that your child be yet restored, not judged and cast away. I feel your arrows deep within, I sink beneath your hand and…
728. I could not do without you I could not do without you, O Saviour of the lost, whose precious blood redeemed me at such tremendous cost; your righteousness, your pardon, your precious blood must be my only hope and comfort, my…
709. What offering shall we give What offering shall we give or what atonement bring to God by whom alone we live, high heaven's eternal King? 2. For all the blood of beasts on Jewish altars slain could never give the conscience…
1028. Not for ourselves Not for ourselves, O Lord, not for ourselves, would we claim glory, but for you alone, because of your great love and faithfulness, the steadfast care that makes your presence known. 2 The…
273. Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song, the joy of my heart, and the boast of my tongue; your free grace alone, from the first to the last, has won my affections, and bound my soul fast. 2. Your…
600. Approach my soul, the mercy-seat Approach my soul, the mercy-seat, where Jesus answers prayer, and humbly fall before his feet for none can perish there. 2. Your promise is my only plea; to you alone I cry, for burdened souls in you…