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CP32. Jesus, the Saviour, comes JESUS, THE SAVIOUR, COMES! greet him with joyful song, Prince of the heavenly throne promised to earth so long; he comes to fight our mortal foe and carry all our sin and woe. 2 Jesus, the…
925. Remember, Lord, the world you made Remember, Lord, the world you made, for Adam's race to find the life of heaven on earth displayed, a home for humankind. 2. A home of peace: but war and strife and hatred we confess; where death is…
CP43. My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord MY SOUL PROCLAIMS THE GREATNESS OF THE LORD, my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour; for he has looked with favour on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: The…
578. We come before our Fathers' God We come before our fathers' God: the Rock of our salvation; the eternal arms, their loved abode, we make our habitation; we bring you, Lord, the praise they brought; we seek you as your saints have…
856. How urgent is the summons How urgent is the summons addressed to us by name: your holy call is life and death, an all-embracing claim; and yet our hearts are tepid: how slowly we obey the voice which bids us take the cross and…
536. Spirit divine, inspire our prayers Spirit divine, inspire our prayers and make our hearts your home; descend with all your gracious powers: O come, great Spirit, come! 2. Come as the light: reveal our need, our emptiness and woe, and…
1163. Sweet word of consolation Sweet word of consolation; this God will not reject his wayward, sinful nation, yet loved and yet elect. Though exiled now and tearful, their strength he shall restore, till they, the faint and…
393. Transfigured Christ, none comprehends Transfigured Christ, none comprehends your majesty, whose splendour stuns all waking souls; whose light transcends the brightness of a thousand suns! 2. You stand with Moses on the hill, you speak of…
950. Judge eternal, throned in splendour Judge eternal, throned in splendour, Lord of lords and King of kings, with your living fire of judgement purge this land of bitter things; over all its wide dominion spread the healing of your…
703. Jesus, I will trust you Jesus, I will trust you, trust you with my soul; guilty, lost and helpless, you can make me whole; who like you in heaven or on earth could be? You have died for sinners, therefore, Lord, for me. 2.…
667. Above the clash of creeds Above the clash of creeds, the many voices that call on so many names, into these final days our God has spoken by sending his only Son. There is no other way by which we must be saved; his name is…
87. Zion, founded on the mountain Zion, founded on the mountain, God, your maker loves you well; he has chosen you as precious, he delights in you to dwell; God's own city, who can all your glory tell? 2. Glorious things of…
1093. The wonders of the skies above The wonders of the skies above, the witness of the earth below, proclaim your glory, God of love, in language everyone will know. As now we hear their praise outpoured, may we respond in worship,…
101. Of loyal love and justice Of loyal love and justice, O Lord, shall be my song; I dwell on your perfections- for you, O Lord, I long! May my whole life be blameless, and pure my every aim; be far from me all evil, all…
22. Why, God, have you forsaken me Why, God, have you forsaken me - more distant now, the more I cry? Must I, alone, unanswered, go like one unloved, alone to die? 2. Our fathers, when they prayed to you in every need, in every…
1014. Praise the Lord! Give him the glory! Praise the Lord! give him the glory! As his people join in worship, from a heart that's overflowing I will sing in thankfulness. All who love his word must ponder on his works, so full of…
652. In memory of the Saviour's love In memory of the saviour's love we keep the sacred feast, where every humble contrite heart is made a welcome guest. 2. By faith we take the bread of life by which our souls are fed, and drink the…
193. Round the Lord in glory seated Round the Lord in glory seated flew the choirs of seraphim, filled his temple, and repeated each to each the alternate hymn: 2. ‘Lord, your glory fills the heaven, earth is with its fulness…
552. Thanks to God, whose word was spoken Thanks to God, whose word was spoken in the deed that made the earth; his the voice that called a nation, his the fires that tried her worth. God has spoken: praise him for his open word! 2. Thanks…
136. Give to our God immortal praise Give to our God immortal praise; mercy and truth are all his ways: wonders of grace to God belong, repeat his mercies in your song. 2. Give to the Lord of lords renown, the King of kings with…
157. God of my life, to you I pray God of my life, to you I pray; Spirit of life, fill me today; Christ be my life, my truth, my way: glory to God, my God! 2. God of my strength when I am weak, prize and reward of all who seek; open…
1253. Loved before the dawn of time Loved before the dawn of time, chosen by my Maker, hidden in my Saviour: I am his and he is mine, cherished for eternity. 2. When I'm stained with guilt and sin, he is there to lift…
1280. O my soul, arise and bless your Maker O MY SOUL, ARISE AND BLESS YOUR MAKER, for he is your master and your friend. Slow to wrath but rich in tender mercy; worship the Saviour, Jesus. 2. King of grace, his love is…
1284. All praise to him, the God of light ALL PRAISE TO HIM, THE GOD OF LIGHT, who formed the mountains by his might; all praise to him who names the stars that sing his fame in skies afar. All praise to him who reigns in…
1231. King of the Ages, Almighty God King of the ages, almighty God, perfect love, ever just and true. Who will not fear you and bring you praise? All the nations will come to you. 1. Your ways of love have won my heart, and…
650. I come with joy, a child of God I come with joy, a child of God, forgiven, loved and free, the life of Jesus to recall, in love laid down for me. 2. I come with Christians far and near to find, as all are fed, the new community of…
493. Look, you saints, the sight is glorious Look, you saints, the sight is glorious! See the Man of sorrows now from the fight returned victorious; every knee to him shall bow: crown him, crown him, crown him, crown him, crowns adorn the…
592. All-creating heavenly giver All-creating heavenly giver, bringing light and life to birth; all-sustaining heavenly Father of the families of earth: we, your children, lift our voices singing gladly of your love: never-ending are…
23C. The King of love my shepherd is The king of love my shepherd is, whose goodness fails me never; I nothing lack if I am his and he is mine for ever. 2. Where streams of living waters flow, a ransomed soul, he leads me; and…
301. I greet my sure Redeemer and my King I greet my sure redeemer and my king. You are my trust; accept the love I bring. What pain you suffered, Jesus, for my sake; I pray you from our hearts all cares to take. 2. You are the King of mercy…