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164. We give immortal praise We give immortal praise to God the Father’s love for all our comforts here and better hopes above: he sent his own eternal Son to die for sins that we had done. 2. To God the Son belongs immortal…
404. That priceless gift what tongue can tell That priceless gift what tongue can tell? Marvel and mystery, man and God: from highest heaven to lowest earth, the Father's Son, a servant's birth: our life he lived, our path he trod. 2. That…
101. Of loyal love and justice Of loyal love and justice, O Lord, shall be my song; I dwell on your perfections- for you, O Lord, I long! May my whole life be blameless, and pure my every aim; be far from me all evil, all…
1052. Lord, you know and study me Lord, you know and study me and, Lord, you read my mind. Lord, you know me through and through, you watch me all the time. Close behind me, close in front, you shield me with your hand. Such…
326. One there is above all others One there is above all others, well deserves the name of friend; his is love beyond a brother’s, costly, free and knows no end: those who once his kindness prove, find it everlasting love. 2. Which…
451. Who believes what we have heard Who believes what we have heard, who has seen God's power made known? When the Servant of the Lord grew unnoticed and alone; undesired by those around and unlovely to their eyes, like a root in desert…
824. Forgive our sins as we forgive 'Forgive our sins as we forgive', you taught us, Lord, to pray; but you alone can grant us grace to live the words we say. 2. How can your pardon reach and bless the unforgiving heart that broods on…
735. My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; My Jesus, I love you, I know you are mine; for you all the pleasures of sin I resign: to you, my Redeemer and Saviour, I bow- if ever I loved you, if ever I loved you, if ever I loved you, my Jesus,…
22. Why, God, have you forsaken me Why, God, have you forsaken me - more distant now, the more I cry? Must I, alone, unanswered, go like one unloved, alone to die? 2. Our fathers, when they prayed to you in every need, in every…
875. Begone, unbelief! Begone, unbelief! My Saviour is near and for my relief will surely appear: by prayer let me wrestle and prove that he saves; with Christ in the vessel I smile at the waves. 2. Though dark be my…
462. I know that my Redeemer lives I know that my redeemer lives: what joy this great assurance gives! He lives, he lives, who once was dead, he lives, my ever-living head. 2. He lives, triumphant from the grave; he lives, eternally…
42. As the fainting deer cries out As the fainting deer cries out for the streams in time of drought, so my soul cries out aloud, thirsting for the living God. All the day I feed on grief, darkness brings me no relief, while the…
172. Bring to the Lord a glad new song Bring to the Lord a glad new song, children of grace, extol your king; your love and praise to God belong — to instruments of music, sing! Let those be warned who spurn God’s name; let rulers all…
501. Where high the heavenly temple stands Where high the heavenly temple stands, the house of God not made with hands, a great high priest our nature wears, the guardian of mankind appears. 2. He who our guarantor once stood and poured on…
1255. With a prayer you fed the hungry With a prayer you fed the hungry, with a cry you stilled the storm; with a look you had compassion on the desperate and forlorn. With a touch you healed the leper, with a shout you raised the…
1136. Though one with God in form divine Though one with God in form divine, by this the love of Christ is shown: he chose in mercy to resign his place beside the Father's throne. He laid his kingly glories down, in self-surrender…
1229. My soul finds rest in God alone My soul finds rest in God alone, my rock and my salvation, a fortress strong against my foes, and I will not be shaken. Though lips may bless and hearts may curse, and lies, like…
910. O Christ, you wept when grief was raw O Christ, you wept when grief was raw, and felt for those who mourned their friend; come close to where we would not be and hold us, numbed by this life's end. 2. The well-loved voice is silent…
861. O I have heard the Gospel told O I have heard the gospel told and I would tell it too, and I would serve your kingdom, Lord, in all I say and do. For I would give my strength to you if you will teach me how. O gentle Master, lay…
647. He gave his life in selfless love He gave his life in selfless love, for sinners once he came; he had no stain of sin himself but bore our guilt and shame: he took the cup of pain and death, his blood was freely shed; we see his body…
444. There is a fountain filled with blood There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel's veins; and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains. 2. The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his…
69A. Save me, O God, I sink into the depths Save me, O God, I sink into the depths, the waters rise; my eyes are sore in searching for my God with weary cries; for no good cause my countless foes combine to punish me for crimes that were…
807. Blessed are the humble souls we see Blessed are the humble souls who see their emptiness and poverty; treasures of grace to them are given: the kingdom of their God in heaven. 2. Blessed are the mourners, grieved in heart that inward…
55. Listen to my prayer, O God Listen to my prayer, O God, under trouble’s crushing load: all around my foes rampage, clamouring for me in their rage; terror overwhelms my heart, every instinct says, ‘Depart!’ O for…
168. Almighty God, whose name is great Almighty God, whose name is great, exalted over heaven and earth, we worship you and celebrate the wonder of our Saviour’s birth: the news that calmed the shepherds’ fears has been proclaimed two…
732. Lord, be my vision, supreme in my heart Lord, be my vision, supreme in my heart, bid every rival give way and depart: you my best thought in the day or the night, waking or sleeping, your presence my light. 2. Lord, be my wisdom and be my…
313. Let us love and sing and wonder Let us love and sing and wonder; let us praise the Saviour’s name! He has hushed the law’s loud thunder; he has quenched Mount Sinai’s flame: he has freed us by his blood; he has brought us near…
160. Infinite God, to you we raise Infinite God, to you we raise our hearts in solemn songs of praise; by all your works on earth adored, we worship you, the one true Lord; the everlasting Father own and bow our souls before your…
290. Christ the Word who spoke creation Christ the word who spoke creation, calling forth the fruitful earth; Christ the Word of earth’s salvation, bringing all things to new birth: you we worship, you we worship, praising your eternal…
1106. Out from the gates of Celestial city Out from the gates of celestial city the son passes through, riding his way into planet Earth's history, noble and true; lays his glory by, takes the face of a man with a Father on high, comes to…