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376. See, amid the winter's snow See, amid the winter's snow, born for us on earth below; see, the Lamb of God appears promised from eternal years: Hail, O ever blessed morn! Hail, redemption's happy dawn! Sing through all…
CP17. God has spoken by His servants GOD HAS SPOKEN BY HIS SERVANTS as the timeless Scriptures tell; now from Bethlehem he’s speaking through his Son, Emmanuel. Welcome Jesus, holy Prophet, welcome, Mary’s tiny Son, Word of…
794. Come, we that love the Lord Come, we that love the Lord, and let our joys be known; join in a song with sweet accord and thus surround the throne. Let those refuse to sing who never knew our God; but children of the heavenly…
422. He was pierced for our transgressions He was pierced for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities; and to bring us peace he was punished, and by his stripes we are healed. 2. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, although he…
630. We all are one in mission We all are one in mission; we all are one in call. Our varied gifts united by Christ, the Lord of all. A single, great commission compels us from above to plan and work together that all may know…
141. Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries my heart and hands uplifted raise; and let my prayer as incense rise, an evening sacrifice of praise. Guard now the lips that speak your name, lest they,…
1086. Heaven must sing Heaven must sing, and earth will find a voice--- let all creation fill with advent joy! See in the sky, there countless angels sing, bursting with news of their incarnate King. See on the earth,…
832. We have not known you as we ought We have not known you as we ought, nor learned your wisdom, grace and power; the things of earth have filled our thought, mere shadows of the passing hour. Lord, in our minds the truth renew and make…
1260. O Jesus, light of life O JESUS, LIGHT OF LIFE! shine your pure beam divine: O uncreated light, visit this soul of mine. Let sin and darkness all depart, O come and fill my waiting heart. 2. The…
1002. God shall my comfort be God shall my comfort be, my consolation; kept by his love I see no condemnation. I face without dismay that final judgement day, for wrath is turned away: he is salvation. 2. All thanks to…
335. There's no greater name than Jesus There's no greater name than Jesus, name of him who came to save us; in that saving name so gracious every knee shall bow. Let everything that's beneath the ground, let everything in the world…
1233. Creation sings the Father's song Creation sings the Father's song; he calls the sun to wake the dawn and run the course of day till evening falls in crimson rays. His fingerprints in flakes of snow, his breath upon this spinning…
1251. I will offer up my life I will offer up my life in spirit and truth, pouring out the oil of love as my worship to you. In surrender I must give my every part; Lord, receive the sacrifice of a broken heart. Jesus,…
671. Sovereign grace and love abounding Sovereign grace and love abounding over sin and death and hell! Sing its depth that knows no sounding; who its breadth or length can tell? On its glories, on its glories let my soul for ever…
893. Cast your burden on the Lord Cast your burden on the Lord, only lean upon his word; you will soon have cause to bless his eternal faithfulness. 2. He sustains you by his hand; he enables you to stand; those whom Jesus once has…
1143. You have not come to Sinai's mount You have not come to sinai's mount with fear of condemnation; but you have come to heaven's height, with angels' jubilation! For all God's wrath from broken law, the terror of his power, was…
1216. When you think what you were told When you think what you were told does it take your breath away— how the Saviour of the world once a tiny infant lay? Where the sheep and donkey fed our Redeemer we can see born this human…
CP66. When you think what you were told WHEN YOU THINK WHAT YOU WERE TOLD does it take your breath away— how the Saviour of the world once a tiny infant lay? Where the sheep and donkey fed our Redeemer we can see born this human…
1072. Called and named before your birth Called and named before your birth, chosen one, Jesus Christ, given now to all the earth; Spirit-filled, perfect light. Bringing peace and righteousness, freeing slaves, ending night; honoured…
1264. O how good it is O HOW GOOD IT IS when the family of God dwells together in spirit, in faith and unity; where the bonds of peace, of acceptance and love, are the fruit of his presence here…
350. Angels from the realms of glory Angels from the realms of glory, wing your flight through all the earth; heralds of creation's story now proclaim Messiah's birth! Come and worship Christ, the new-born King! Come and…
754. Be still, my soul: The Lord is on your side Be still, my soul: the Lord is on your side; bear patiently the weight of grief or pain; leave to your God to order and provide; through every change he faithful will remain. Be still, my soul: your…
116. I love my Lord because he heard my voice I love my Lord because he heard my voice; my God, he listens to my prayer. Because he hears me when I call on him, through all my days I shall pray. 2. My soul was saved from death, my eyes from…
673. The Lord God appointed The Lord God appointed the way of salvation, by sending his own Son to die in our place; to preach the good tidings of our liberation- for those who receive him, the promise of grace. 2. So Jesus…
921. Father of all, whose laws have stood Father of all, whose laws have stood as signposts for our earthly good; whose Son has come with truth and grace, your likeness shining in his face: Give us Christ's love, its depth and length, its…
CP67. While shepherds watched their flocks by night WHILE SHEPHERDS WATCHED THEIR FLOCKS BY NIGHT, all seated on the ground, the angel of the Lord came down and glory shone around. 2   ‘Fear not,' said he—for mighty dread had seized their…
CP20. Hark! The herald angels sing HARK! THE HERALD ANGELS SING, ‘Glory to the new-born King, peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!’ Joyful, all you nations, rise, join the triumph of the skies; with the…
1071. All was dark before creation All was dark before creation came to being by God's word. Nothing moved, and in the silence not a hint of life was heard. Suddenly time starts its journey, see the Day comes into sight. 'Let it…
389. Christ our Redeemer knew temptation's hour Christ our redeemer knew temptation's hour in desert places, silent and apart; and three times over met the tempter's power with God's word written, hidden in his heart. 2. He makes not bread what…
1006. Come, watch with us Come, watch with us this Christmas night; our hearts must travel far to darkened hills and heavens bright with star on shining star; to where in shadowy silence sleep the fields of Bethlehem, as…