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578. We come before our Fathers' God We come before our fathers' God: the Rock of our salvation; the eternal arms, their loved abode, we make our habitation; we bring you, Lord, the praise they brought; we seek you as your saints have…
721. O happy day, that fixed my choice O happy day, that fixed my choice on you, my Saviour and my God! Well may this grateful heart rejoice and tell of Christ's redeeming blood. 2. It's done, the great transaction's done! I am my Lord's…
407. All glory, praise and honour All glory, praise and honour to you, Redeemer, King, to whom the lips of children made sweet hosannas ring. 1. 'You are the King of Israel, great David's royal Son, now in the Lord's name coming, his…
1227. The powers of kings The powers of kings, their robes and rings, are gone for ever; resounding names and boastful claims— their day is over. 2. Palace and throne and jewelled crown are overtaken by fire and…
611. O Lord, our guardian and our guide O Lord, our guardian and our guide, be near us when we call; uphold us when our footsteps slide, and raise us when we fall. 2. The world, the flesh and Satan dwell around the path we tread: O save us…
CP21. Hear the songs of angels rise HEAR THE SONGS OF ANGELS RISE through dark and troubled skies: the sound of glory; bringing tidings of great joy no sorrow can destroy: salvation’s story. To our world of grief and pain God…
583. Come, let us join our friends above Come, let us join our friends above who have obtained the prize; and on the eagle wings of love to joys celestial rise: let saints on earth together sing with those whose work is done; for all the…
338. To the name of our salvation To the name of our salvation praise and honour let us pay, which for many a generation hid in God's foreknowledge lay, but with holy exultation we may sing aloud today. 2. Jesus is the name we…
552. Thanks to God, whose word was spoken Thanks to God, whose word was spoken in the deed that made the earth; his the voice that called a nation, his the fires that tried her worth. God has spoken: praise him for his open word! 2. Thanks…
967. Hear the church triumphant singing Hear the church triumphant singing, 'Worthy the Lamb!' Highest heaven with praises ringing, 'Worthy the Lamb!' Thrones and powers before him bending, odours sweet with voice ascending swell the chorus…
68. Let God arise! His enemies be gone Let God arise! his enemies be gone and melt like wax before the Holy One. 2. Make known the Lord, and sound his name aloud to praise the King who rides upon the cloud. 3. Father and Judge, he…
1066. I long for heaven I long for heaven; I long to be with Christ; I long to see him face to face. All darkness gone, and there will be no night; a life of joy and light and peace— to all who thirst, the water of…
132. Lord, we pray, remember David Lord, we pray, remember david, all the hardships he endured, how he swore an oath, invoking Jacob's mighty God, the Lord: 'I will give myself no respite, neither rest nor sleep afford, till I…
870. Father, although I cannot see Father, although I cannot see the future you have planned, and though the path is sometimes dark and hard to understand, yet give me faith, through joy and pain, to trace your loving hand. 2. When I…
CP10. Come, watch with us this christmas night COME, WATCH WITH US THIS CHRISTMAS NIGHT; our hearts must travel far to darkened hills and heavens bright with star on shining star; to where in shadowy silence sleep the fields of…
1315. What is our hope in life and death? WHAT IS OUR HOPE IN LIFE AND DEATH? Christ alone, Christ alone. What is our only confidence? That our souls to him belong. Who holds our days within his hand? What comes, apart from his…
1326. How I Love The Voice Of Jesus – It Was Finished Upon That Cross HOW I LOVE THE VOICE OF JESUS on the cross of Calvary; he declares his work is finished, he has spoken this hope to me. Though the sun had ceased its shining, though the war appeared as…
153. Praise the Father, God of justice Praise the father, God of justice: sinners tremble at his voice, crowns and creatures fall before him, saints triumphantly rejoice. 2. Praise the Son, who brings redemption, purging sin and…
72. A King on high is reigning A king on high is reigning whom endless ages bless, from sea to sea sustaining his rule of righteousness. Beneath his strong defending his people stand secure, whose justice knows no…
CP66. When you think what you were told WHEN YOU THINK WHAT YOU WERE TOLD does it take your breath away— how the Saviour of the world once a tiny infant lay? Where the sheep and donkey fed our Redeemer we can see born this human…
22. Why, God, have you forsaken me Why, God, have you forsaken me - more distant now, the more I cry? Must I, alone, unanswered, go like one unloved, alone to die? 2. Our fathers, when they prayed to you in every need, in every…
437. There is a green hill far away There is a green hill far away outside a city wall, where our dear Lord was crucified, who died to save us all. 2. We may not know, we cannot tell what pains he had to bear, but we believe it was for…
352. Christians, awake! Salute the happy morn Christians, awake! salute the happy morn on which the Saviour of the world was born; rise to adore the mystery of his love which hosts of angels chanted from above! With them the joyful tidings first…
1317. What love, my God, would bring you down to earth WHAT LOVE, MY GOD, WOULD BRING YOU DOWN TO EARTH? What king would take a low and lonely birth? Yet to this dark and broken place you came, to sleep beneath the stars that you had made. 2 What…
1117. I live, dependent on Jesus I live, dependent on Jesus in everything I do, being sure that he who has promised is faithful, good and true. Being confident I'm forgiven and stains of guilt are gone, I live, secure in his…
673. The Lord God appointed The Lord God appointed the way of salvation, by sending his own Son to die in our place; to preach the good tidings of our liberation- for those who receive him, the promise of grace. 2. So Jesus…
865. The Son of God rides out to war The son of God rides out to war the ancient foe to slay; his blood-red banner streams afar- who follows him today? Who bears his cross? Who shares his grief? Who walks his narrow way? Who faces…
566. Be still Be still, for the presence of the Lord, the Holy One, is here; come bow before him now with reverence and fear: in him no sin is found- we stand on holy ground. Be still, for the presence of the…
366. Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour, yet, for love's sake, became so poor; thrones for a manger did surrender, sapphire-paved courts for stable floor: Lord, you were rich beyond all…
425. His hands were pierced, the hands that made His hands were pierced, the hands that made the mountain range and forest glade, that washed the stains of sin away and changed earth's darkness into day. 2. His feet were pierced, the feet that…