Search Results


1204. From small beginnings in the past From small beginnings in the past, for those who planted, built to last, and followed Christ, the Way; for those with hope who pioneered, who kept the faith and persevered, we praise our God…
788. How good is the God we adore How good is the God we adore! our faithful unchangeable friend: his love is as great as his power and knows neither measure nor end. 2. For Christ is the First and the Last; his Spirit shall guide us…
84A. How delightful is your dwelling HOW DELIGHTFUL IS YOUR DWELLING, O almighty Sovereign LORD— place of peace, where all my longings are fulfilled, my soul restored. Every fibre of my being, living God, calls…
875. Begone, unbelief! Begone, unbelief! My Saviour is near and for my relief will surely appear: by prayer let me wrestle and prove that he saves; with Christ in the vessel I smile at the waves. 2. Though dark be my…
671. Sovereign grace and love abounding Sovereign grace and love abounding over sin and death and hell! Sing its depth that knows no sounding; who its breadth or length can tell? On its glories, on its glories let my soul for ever…
420. He stood before the court He stood before the court on trial instead of us; he met its power to hurt, condemned to face the cross; our King, accused of treachery; our God, abused for blasphemy! 2. These are the crimes that…
655. O God, your mercy, moved by love O God, your mercy, moved by love, has raised us to a heavenly place to share a fellowship above, to sit with Christ, through saving grace. 2. Here, too, on earth your feast is spread and guests may…
1023. More than words can say More than words can say is your love to me, now and evermore: love to set me free and to make me whole, love that fills my heart, flooding through my soul more than words can say. 2. Chosen…
CP19. Guess what happened long ago? GUESS WHAT HAPPENED LONG AGO? In a stable Christ was born: precious Saviour, Holy One, come to show us God's deep love: Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God in the highest and on earth peace…
772. Amazing grace-how sweet the sound Amazing grace-how sweet the sound- that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see. 2. God's grace first taught my heart to fear, his grace my fears…
918. To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise in hymns of adoration: accept our sacrifice of praise, our shouts of exultation; bright robes of gold the fields adorn, the hills with joy are ringing, the valleys…
CP52. Once in royal David's city ONCE IN ROYAL DAVID'S CITY stood a lowly cattle shed, where a mother laid her baby in a manger for his bed: Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ, her little child. 2 He came down to earth…
1151. Our view across the miles gone by Our view across the miles gone by is filled with thankfulness. The years that crept now seem to fly; past peaks and valleys, low and high, our Lord and God we bless, his goodness we…
158. God, whose almighty word God, whose almighty word chaos and darkness heard, and took their flight: hear us, we humbly pray, and where the gospel-day sheds not its glorious ray, let there be light! 2. Saviour, who came to…
946. Stay with us, God, as longed-for peace eludes us Stay with us, God, as longed-for peace eludes us; stay with us if our health is undermined; when no good comes and faithless hope deludes us, when terror reigns and grief is unconfined. 2. When…
1224. There is a song within my heart There is a song within my heart, a source of joy for all my days; a song that always lifts my voice to sing the Father’s praise. And even when my strength is frail and there are burdens I must…
265. All nature is an open book All nature is an open book to spread her maker's praise abroad, and every page on which we look shows something worthy of a God. 2. But in the grace that rescued man his brightest form of glory…
160. Infinite God, to you we raise Infinite God, to you we raise our hearts in solemn songs of praise; by all your works on earth adored, we worship you, the one true Lord; the everlasting Father own and bow our souls before your…
1199. Can a sinner like me stand Can a sinner like me stand in the rags of my disgrace? How would I escape God's hand or begin to plead my case? For the goodness I possess, any kindness I have shown, cannot give the…
1001. God is the giver God is the giver of all things that are; worlds without end were fashioned by his hand, from earth's foundations to the furthest star, in splendour shining, countless as the sand. 2. God is the…
1006. Come, watch with us Come, watch with us this Christmas night; our hearts must travel far to darkened hills and heavens bright with star on shining star; to where in shadowy silence sleep the fields of Bethlehem, as…
1033. Great and wonderful Great and wonderful are your deeds and works, Lord God, the Almighty. Just and true and righteous are all your ways, ruler of the nations. Who shall not fear and praise your name, O Sovereign…
1211. This is the man who runs with God This is the man who runs with God! Who aims where such forerunners trod? He sets the pace, he wins the crown; he spends his life, he lays it down. 2. This is the place where he is known; in…
17. Lord, hear my plea, my innocence declare Lord, hear my plea, my innocence declare; give judgement, for your eyes can see within. Lay bare my heart: is any malice there? Have I not kept my tongue from uttering sin? At all times shall your…
41. Lord, may our hearts within us burn Lord, may our hearts within us burn and grant us grace to intercede, to know compassion and concern for those in every kind of need, whose lives are seen as little worth, the poor and helpless of…
163. To him who chose us first To him who chose us first, before the world began; to him who bore sin’s curse to save rebellious man; to him who formed our hearts anew, is endless praise and glory due. 2. The Father’s love…
870. Father, although I cannot see Father, although I cannot see the future you have planned, and though the path is sometimes dark and hard to understand, yet give me faith, through joy and pain, to trace your loving hand. 2. When I…
356. Earth was waiting, spent and restless Earth was waiting, spent and restless, with a mingled hope and fear, faithful men and women praying, 'Surely, Lord, the day is near: the Desire of all the nations- it is time he should appear!' 2. In…
CP25. I cannot know the love I CANNOT KNOW THE LOVE THAT BROUGHT YOU DOWN TO EARTH. I dare not think that it reflects upon my worth. I cannot quantify the gratitude I feel that you left your home and Father just for me. From…
723. All I once held dear, built my life upon All I once held dear, built my life upon, all this world reveres and wars to own, all I once thought gain I have counted loss; spent and worthless now, compared to this. Knowing you, Jesus, knowing…