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189. O bless the Lord, my soul! O bless the Lord, my soul! Let all within me join and help my tongue to bless his name whose mercies are divine. 2. O bless the Lord, my soul! Let not his mercies lie forgotten in…
933. Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer we bring before your face; let them your covenant mercies share and save them by your grace. 2. In early days their hearts secure from evil ways, we pray; and…
59. Deliver me from all my foes Deliver me from all my foes, the evil and malign; O Lord, they plot to do me harm for no offence of mine. Without a cause they seek my life; have pity, see my need; Lord God almighty, Israel’s…
1162. There is a Kingdom coming There is a kingdom coming, so we must take a stand and answer to our calling within this foreign land. As long as we are doubting, confusion rules the day; the more we feel at home here, the…
1232. In Christ alone In Christ alone my hope is found, he is my light, my strength, my song; this cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of…
1302. The perfect wisdom of our God THE PERFECT WISDOM OF OUR GOD revealed in all the universe: all things created by his hand and held together at his command. He knows the mysteries of the seas, the secrets of the stars are…
1280. O my soul, arise and bless your Maker O MY SOUL, ARISE AND BLESS YOUR MAKER, for he is your master and your friend. Slow to wrath but rich in tender mercy; worship the Saviour, Jesus. 2. King of grace, his love is…
1234. Come praise and glorify our God Come praise and glorify our God, the Father of our Lord; in Christ he has in heavenly realms his blessings on us poured. For pure and blameless in his sight he destined us to be, and now we’ve…
1094. We sing of fruitful harvests We sing of fruitful harvests and praise you for our food; for homes and all the pleasures we count as for our good. But are we truly thankful, do we respect your will, and know, if we had…
CP11. Eternity once entered time ETERNITY ONCE ENTERED TIME, and when the bells of Christmas chime the earth itself remembers yet that night the stars cannot forget. 2 And some two thousand years have spun, two thousand…
390. Forty days and forty nights Forty days and forty nights you were fasting in the wild; forty days and forty nights tempted and yet undefiled. 2. Burning heat throughout the day, bitter cold when light had fled; prowling beasts…
859. Jesus, Master, whose I am Jesus, master, whose I am, purchased yours alone to be, by your blood, O perfect Lamb, shed so willingly for me: let my heart be all your own, let me live to you alone. 2. Jesus, Master, whom I…
928. Happy the home that welcomes you, Lord Jesus Happy the home that welcomes you, Lord Jesus, truest of friends, most honoured guest of all; where hearts and eyes are bright with joy to greet you, your slightest wishes eager to fulfil. 2. Happy…
1228. You're the word of God the Father You're the word of God the father, from before the world began; every star and every planet has been fashioned by your hand. All creation holds together by the power of your voice: let the skies…
974. How bright these glorious spirits shine How bright these glorious spirits shine, in all their white array! How have they come to this fair place of everlasting day? 2. These have come out of sufferings great into the realms of light, and…
CP67. While shepherds watched their flocks by night WHILE SHEPHERDS WATCHED THEIR FLOCKS BY NIGHT, all seated on the ground, the angel of the Lord came down and glory shone around. 2   ‘Fear not,' said he—for mighty dread had seized their…
475. Welcome, happy morning! Age to age shall say 'Welcome, happy morning!' age to age shall say; hell today is vanquished; heaven is won today! See! the dead is living, God for evermore; him, their true Creator, all his works adore: 'Welcome, happy…
712. Come, see, the winter is past Come, see, the winter is past and the rains are all over and gone; flowers appear on the earth once again and the season of singing is come. O, arise and come with me; till the day breaks and the…
868. Guide me, O my great Redeemer Guide me, O my great redeemer, pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but you are mighty, hold me with your powerful hand: Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore, feed me now…
289. Christ is the world's Redeemer Christ is the world's redeemer, the holy and the pure, the fount of heavenly wisdom, our trust and hope secure; the armour of his soldiers, the Lord of earth and sky; our health while we are…
549. The heavens declare your glory, Lord! The heavens declare your glory, Lord! In every star your wisdom shines; but when we see your holy word, we read your name in clearer lines. 2. The rolling sun, the changing skies, and night and day,…
568. Church of God, elect and glorious Church of God, elect and glorious, holy nation, chosen race; called as God's own special people, royal priests and heirs of grace: know the purpose of your calling, show to all his mighty deeds; tell…
1223. Great Lord and God, we greet the day Great Lord and God, we greet this day of light and joy, of love and life; we honour this, your hallowed way, that makes a couple man and wife. 2. We come as family and friends to bless your…
753. You souls redeemed with blood You souls redeemed with blood and called by grace divine, walk worthy of your God and let your conduct shine; keep Christ, your living head, in view in all you say, in all you do. 2. Has Jesus made…
973. When this passing world is done When this passing world is done, when has sunk the radiant sun, when I stand with Christ on high, seeing all life's history, then, Lord, shall I fully know, not till then, how much I owe. 2. When I…
1216. When you think what you were told When you think what you were told does it take your breath away— how the Saviour of the world once a tiny infant lay? Where the sheep and donkey fed our Redeemer we can see born this human…
923. In the beginning, at the dawn of time In the beginning, at the dawn of time, we walked the earth in dignity sublime; as his own image God had made mankind, for him to live and in him meaning find. 2. But Adam fell and with him all our…
1024. Almighty God we come to make confession Almighty God, we come to make confession for we have sinned in thought and word and deed. We now repent in honesty and sorrow; forgive us, Lord, and meet us in our need. 2. Forgiving God, I come…
599. The gifts we bring express our love The gifts we bring express our love to you who left the heavens above and showed through poverty and pain a God who gives and gives again. Freely, freely, freely we have received; gladly, gladly,…
840. How blessed is life if lived for you How blessed is life if lived for you, my loving Saviour and my Lord: no pleasures that the world can give such perfect gladness can afford. 2. To know I am your ransomed child, bought by your own…