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185. My soul exalts and magnifies the King My soul exalts and magnifies the king, my spirit in my Saviour finds her joy; to God the mighty One I’ll ever sing: hallelujah! 2. To me, his slave, he comes a royal guest, fills with his bounteous…
1118. Behold the lamb Behold the lamb who bears our sins away, slain for us: and we remember the promise made that all who come in faith find forgiveness at the cross. So we share in this Bread of life, and we drink…
411. Alas! And did my Saviour bleed Alas! and did my saviour bleed and did my Sovereign die? Did he devote that sacred head for such a one as I? 2. Was it for sins that I had done he suffered on the tree? Amazing pity, grace…
945. Our God, supreme and good Our God, supreme and good, how richly you have loved! But nations die for lack of food and are we still unmoved? 2. While human lives are lost in misery and fear, shall we complain about the cost of…
1302. The perfect wisdom of our God THE PERFECT WISDOM OF OUR GOD revealed in all the universe: all things created by his hand and held together at his command. He knows the mysteries of the seas, the secrets of the stars are…
624. How shall they hear the word of God How shall they hear the word of God unless his truth is told; how shall the sinful be set free, the sorrowful consoled? To all who speak the truth today impart your Spirit, Lord, we pray. 2. How…
812. O for a heart to praise my God O for a heart to praise my God, a heart from sin set free, a heart that's sprinkled with the blood so freely shed for me. 2. A heart resigned, submissive, meek, my great Redeemer's throne; where only…
968. Christ has prepared for us a place Christ has prepared for us a place of joy as yet unseen, unheard, of glory promised by his grace to all who take him at his word: 2. A place where no disease is found, no sin, no sickness, no…
CP09. Come, O long-expected Jesus COME, O LONG-EXPECTED JESUS, born to set your people free! From our fears and sins release us, Christ, in whom our rest shall be. Israel’s strength and consolation, born salvation to…
374. See him lying on a bed of straw See him lying on a bed of straw: a draughty stable with an open door; Mary cradling the babe she bore- the Prince of glory is his name. O now carry me to Bethlehem to see the Lord of love again: just…
681. Jesus, Lamb of God Jesus, lamb of God: have mercy on us. Jesus, Lamb of God: have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Most High. Jesus, Lamb of God: have mercy, mercy on us. 2. Jesus, bearer…
608. Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face; before your gracious throne we bow; O let your glory fill this place and bless us while we wait on you. 2. We thank you for the precious blood that saved and…
810. May the mind of Christ my Saviour May the mind of Christ my saviour live in me from day to day, by his love and power controlling all I do and say. 2. May the word of God dwell richly in my heart, from hour to hour, so that…
225. Again the Lord's own day is here Again the Lord's own day is here, the day to Christian people dear, when Jesus Christ, the church’s head, arose in power and left the dead. 2. By all his flock, our Lord declared, his…
CP67. While shepherds watched their flocks by night WHILE SHEPHERDS WATCHED THEIR FLOCKS BY NIGHT, all seated on the ground, the angel of the Lord came down and glory shone around. 2   ‘Fear not,' said he—for mighty dread had seized their…
177. God, we praise you! God, we bless you! God, we praise you! God, we bless you! God, we name you sovereign Lord! Mighty King, whom angels worship, Father, by your church adored; all creation shows your glory, heaven and earth draw near your…
837. Father, Holy Spirit, Son Father, holy spirit, son, Three-in-One and One-in-Three, let your will on earth be done as in heaven eternally; praise by all to you be given, glorious Lord of earth and heaven. 2. If a sinner such…
85. When this land knew God's gracious love outpoured When this land knew God's gracious love outpoured, guilt was removed and captive lives restored; then was turned back the anger of the Lord, his people pardoned, their sins forgiven. 2. But now…
188. O holy, holy Lord O holy, holy Lord, the high and lofty King, in solitary might enthroned, to you all praise we bring. Eternal, pure as light, O sinless majesty, who was and is and is to come, and shall for ever…
553. God in his wisdom, for our learning God in his wisdom, for our learning, gave his inspired and holy word: promise of Christ, for our discerning, by which our souls are moved and stirred, finding our hearts within us burning when, as of…
193. Round the Lord in glory seated Round the Lord in glory seated flew the choirs of seraphim, filled his temple, and repeated each to each the alternate hymn: 2. ‘Lord, your glory fills the heaven, earth is with its fulness…
44. We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past- our fathers have told us the story- how the nations, defeated, were driven away; to you they ascribed all the glory. For the strength of…
523. Spirit of faith, come down Spirit of faith, come down, reveal the things of God and make to us the Godhead known and point to Jesus' blood. Your work the blood to apply: O give us eyes to see that he who did for sinners die has…
628. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Unnumbered blessings, give my spirit voice; tender to me the promise of his word; in God my Saviour shall my heart rejoice. 2. Tell out, my soul, the…
145A. O Lord! My God and King O Lord! my God and king, I'll praise you evermore, each day your praises sing, your holy name adore: beyond our power to contemplate, how great the Lord! His praise how great! 2. Your great…
346. O come, O come, Immanuel O come, O come, immanuel and ransom captive Israel who mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God draws near: Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel shall come to you, O Israel. 2. O come, O come, great…
1300. Though the nations rage THOUGH THE NATIONS RAGE, kingdoms rise and fall, there is still one King reigning over all; so I will not fear, for this truth remains, that my God is the Ancient of Days. None…
914. Creator God, with whom we share Creator God, with whom we share the ruling of your world, we ask as we are named creation's heirs make us more willing for our task. 2. For you have blessed all things that live, that run or fly or…
7. From my pursuers keep me safe From my pursuers keep me safe: O Lord, my refuge be, or they will tear me like a lion with none to rescue me. O Lord, if mine are guilty hands betraying solemn trust, then let my accusers take…
92. Make music to the Lord most high Make music to the Lord most high whose praise is our delight: as day begins we sing your love, your faithfulness by night. 2. Lord, when we see what you have done our songs of joy…