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1059. How long, O Lord, will you forget How long, O Lord, will you forget, your face and favour hiding— that I should wrestle with my thoughts, my heart for sorrow sighing? How long will you forget me, Lord, O surely not for…
1160. With wonder see the bridegroom so committed With wonder see the bridegroom so committed, who loves his church, and gave himself for her, that she might stand in heaven’s court acquitted, presented to him—his for evermore; without a…
1310. Under the sun UNDER THE SUN we sow and hope to harvest; we labour on until the evening darkness bids us cease, to rest in peace. 2. Naked we come into a world that’s broken: unworthy ones but, by the…
1185. He came to earth He came to earth, not to be served, but gave his life to be a ransom for many; the Son of God, the Son of man, he shared our pain and bore our sins in his body. King of kings and Lord of…
1178. He said, the Spirit of the Lord He said, the spirit of the Lord is with me, to proclaim hope for the poor, the prophet’s word of freedom in God’s name. 2.  He said, blind eyes receive their sight, and silent tongues can…
1021. Do you want to learn of Jesus? Do you want to learn of Jesus? Come with me to Bethlehem, where the Son of God came down to earth no crown or diadem, but a favoured virgin mother and her tiny, first-born gem: it is He, infant…
1138. When numbers are against us When numbers are against us and rival gods seem strong, when truth appears defeated by what is plainly wrong; the God of fire and water, of mountain, sea and sky, the Lord God of Elijah will…
495. Rejoice, the Lord is King Rejoice, the Lord is king! Your Lord and King adore: mortals, give thanks and sing, and triumph evermore: Lift up your heart, lift up your voice: rejoice! Again I say, rejoice! 2. Jesus, the…
536. Spirit divine, inspire our prayers Spirit divine, inspire our prayers and make our hearts your home; descend with all your gracious powers: O come, great Spirit, come! 2. Come as the light: reveal our need, our emptiness and woe, and…
5. O Lord, at early morning hear O Lord, at early morning hear my voice ascend on high; to you will I address my prayer, to you lift up my eye. 2. You are a God before whose sight the wicked may not stand; their pride and…
1136. Though one with God in form divine Though one with God in form divine, by this the love of Christ is shown: he chose in mercy to resign his place beside the Father's throne. He laid his kingly glories down, in self-surrender…
623. Good news of God above Good news of God above is ours to tell abroad, the Father's everlasting love in Christ the risen Lord. For neighbours near and far the seed of life is sown; then spread the seed by word and deed to…
1262. On the cross, on the cross ON THE CROSS, ON THE CROSS, where the King of glory died, here is grace, here is love, flowing from that wounded side. Amazing mystery, that he should die for me as a perfect sacrifice. On the…
496. See, the conqueror mounts in triumph See, the conqueror mounts in triumph, see the King in royal state, riding on the clouds, his chariot, to his heavenly palace gate! Hear the choirs of angel voices joyful hallelujahs sing, and the…
608. Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face; before your gracious throne we bow; O let your glory fill this place and bless us while we wait on you. 2. We thank you for the precious blood that saved and…
550. Lamp of our feet, by which we trace Lamp of our feet, by which we trace our pathway when we stray; stream from the fountain of God's grace, brook by the traveller's way. 2. Bread of our souls, on which we feed; true manna from on…
414. At the cross of Jesus At the cross of Jesus I would take my place, drawn by such a measure of redeeming grace. Fill my eyes with sorrow, lift my eyes to see Jesus Christ my Saviour crucified for me. 2. At the…
443. Stricken, smitten, and afflicted Stricken, smitten, and afflicted, see him dying on the tree! See the Christ by all rejected, yes, my soul, this, this is he! See the long-expected prophet, David's son, yet David's Lord; by his Son…
695. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you, Lord, for loving me. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you, Lord, for loving me. 1. You went to Calvary, there you died for me, thank you, Lord, for…
639. When Jesus died upon the cross When Jesus died upon the cross, when he was buried in the grave, he bore the judgement I deserved, that he, by death, my life might save. 2. When Christ was raised from that same tomb he rose as…
1001. God is the giver God is the giver of all things that are; worlds without end were fashioned by his hand, from earth's foundations to the furthest star, in splendour shining, countless as the sand. 2. God is the…
340. Who can cheer the heart like Jesus Who can cheer the heart like Jesus, by his presence all divine? True and tender, pure and precious, O how blest to call him mine! All that thrills my soul is Jesus; he is more than life to me; and…
236. By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered and confidently waiting, come what may, we know that God is with us night and morning, and never fails to meet us each new day. 2. Yet are our hearts by…
103B. Praise my soul, the King of heaven Praise my soul, the king of heaven, to his feet your tribute bring; ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, who like me his praise should sing? Praise him! Praise him! Praise him! Praise…
914. Creator God, with whom we share Creator God, with whom we share the ruling of your world, we ask as we are named creation's heirs make us more willing for our task. 2. For you have blessed all things that live, that run or fly or…
747. Freedom and life are ours Freedom and life are ours for Christ has set us free! Never again submit to powers that lead to slavery: Christ is the Lord who breaks our chains, our bondage ends; Christ is the rescuer who makes the…
245. God of majesty and splendour God of majesty and splendour, God the universal King! God whose works demand our wonder, God whose praise the angels sing! Who are we to sing your praises? Who are we to speak your name? 2. God of…
593. Christ, from whom all blessings flow Christ, from whom all blessings flow to perfect your church below, Christ, whose nature now we share, work in us, your body here. Join our faithful spirits, join each to each, with yours made…
1097. God of the trackless skies God of the trackless skies, Lord of the Milky Way, framer of nature's laws, maker of night and day: break through the bounds of space and time as once you did in Palestine. 2. God of the…
1331. Our God will go before us OUR GOD WILL GO BEFORE US and guide us by his presence; what confidence this promise is: we will never walk alone. 2 Through unknown paths, through shadows, our hearts fear not tomorrow; for…