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132. Lord, we pray, remember David Lord, we pray, remember david, all the hardships he endured, how he swore an oath, invoking Jacob's mighty God, the Lord: 'I will give myself no respite, neither rest nor sleep afford, till I…
571. Head of your church triumphant Head of your church triumphant, we joyfully adore you! Till you appear your members here shall sing with those in glory. We lift our hearts and voices in glad anticipation and cry aloud and give to…
150. Praise the Lord who reigns above Praise the Lord who reigns above and keeps his court below; praise the holy God of love and all his greatness show! Praise him for his noble deeds, praise him for his matchless power; him, from…
1032. How can I tell you, my Lord? How can I tell you, my Lord, how much I love you? How can I best express how much I owe to you? All that I have and am are mine because you love me. Jesus, I love you. 2. Help me to learn to…
1296. Lift up your eyes and look for him LIFT UP YOUR EYES AND LOOK FOR HIM, Jesus, the coming Saviour-King; born to redeem the world from sin, bringing his peace to all. 2. Now if you walk in darkest…
142. I seek the Lord in grief, in pain I seek the Lord in grief, in pain, and cry for help, and cry again; I tell him of my heavy load: oppressed and faint I gasp for God. 2. Yet you, O Lord, already know the dangerous path I have…
196. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation! Come, all who hear; brothers and sisters, draw near, praise him in glad…
37. When lawless people thrive When lawless people thrive and wrong suppresses right, remember they will fade away and wither overnight. Commit your life to God, and trust the Lord to make the justice of your righteous…
738. Object of my first desire Object of my first desire, Jesus, crucified for me! all to happiness aspire: you alone our joy can be. You to please, and you to know, these are my delight below; you to see, and you to love, these…
391. How good, Lord, to be here! How good, Lord, to be here! Your glory fills the night; your face and garments, like the sun, shine with unborrowed light. 2. How good, Lord, to be here, your beauty to behold, where Moses and Elijah…
687. Assist me here, my God and King Assist me here, my God and king, your everlasting love to sing, and gladly spread your praise abroad as one, through grace, who's born of God. 2. It was not by the will of man my soul its heavenly…
617. All earth was dark until you spoke All earth was dark until you spoke, then all was light and all was peace. Yet still, O God, so many wait to see the flame of love released. Light to the world, O Light of man, kindle in us a…
26. In judgement, Lord, arise In judgement, Lord, arise, draw near to take my part, your tender love before my eyes, your word within my heart. Discern my thoughts, I pray, discover all my mind, and keep me in the narrow…
727. Beyond all knowledge is your love divine Beyond all knowledge is your love divine, my Saviour, Jesus! Yet this soul of mine would of your love, in all its breadth and length, its height and depth, its everlasting strength, know more and…
439. O sacred head once wounded O sacred head once wounded, with grief and shame weighed down, how scornfully surrounded with thorns, your only crown! How pale you are with anguish, with fierce abuse and scorn! How do those features…
517. Breathe on me, breath of God Breathe on me, breath of God: fill me with life anew, that as you love, I too may love, and do what you would do. 2. Breathe on me, breath of God, until my heart is pure, until my will is one with…
CP60. The first nowell THE FIRST NOWELL THE ANGEL DID SAY, was to Bethlehem's shepherds in fields as they lay; in fields where they lay keeping their sheep on a cold winter's night that was so deep: Nowell, nowell,…
362. It came upon the midnight clear It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old, from angels bending near the earth to touch their harps of gold: 'Through all the earth, good will and peace from heaven's all-gracious…
172. Bring to the Lord a glad new song Bring to the Lord a glad new song, children of grace, extol your king; your love and praise to God belong — to instruments of music, sing! Let those be warned who spurn God’s name; let rulers all…
457. Christ the Lord is risen again Christ the Lord is risen again, Hallelujah! Christ has broken every chain; Hallelujah! hear the angel voices cry, Hallelujah! singing evermore on high: Hallelujah! 2. He who gave for us his life, who…
734. My heart is full of Christ, and longs My heart is full of Christ, and longs its glorious subject to proclaim! Of him I make my noblest songs- I cannot cease to praise his name; my eager tongue delights to sing the glories of my heavenly…
242. Eternal God, we come to you Eternal God, we come to you, we come before your throne; we enter by a new and living way, with confidence we come. We declare your faithfulness, your promises are true; we will now draw near to…
77. I cried out to God to help me I cried out to God to help me in my turmoil and my grief; all night long I pleaded with him, yet my soul found no relief. I remembered God with sorrow and my groaning heart grew faint; wearied,…
1081. Risen Christ, your living presence Risen Christ, your living presence calls us to decision, searching out both men and women, urging us to act; bringing hope of transformation by the fulness of your love. 2. Humble Christ,…
164. We give immortal praise We give immortal praise to God the Father’s love for all our comforts here and better hopes above: he sent his own eternal Son to die for sins that we had done. 2. To God the Son belongs immortal…
530. Like the murmur of the dove's song Like the murmur of the dove's song, like the challenge of her flight, like the vigour of the wind's rush, like the new flame's eager might: Come, Holy Spirit, come. 2. To the members of Christ's…
300. Come, let us join our cheerful songs Come, let us join our cheerful songs with angels round the throne; ten thousand thousand are their tongues, but all their joys are one. 2. ‘Worthy the Lamb who died,’ they cry, ‘to be exalted…
1253. Loved before the dawn of time Loved before the dawn of time, chosen by my Maker, hidden in my Saviour: I am his and he is mine, cherished for eternity. 2. When I'm stained with guilt and sin, he is there to lift…
564. Behold, the mountain of the Lord Behold, the mountain of the Lord in latter days shall rise on mountain tops above the hills, and draw the wondering eyes. 2. To this, the joyful nations round, all tribes and tongues, shall flow; 'Up…
763. In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ, be all in all, I pray; your life, your death make known in me on earth, till heaven's day. 2. In sun or shadow be my help; your voice shall guide my feet; teach…