Search Results


150. Praise the Lord who reigns above Praise the Lord who reigns above and keeps his court below; praise the holy God of love and all his greatness show! Praise him for his noble deeds, praise him for his matchless power; him, from…
1029. In an age of twisted values In an age of twisted values we have lost the truth we need; in sophisticated language we have justified our greed; by our struggle for possessions we have robbed the poor and weak – hear our…
664. Have you heard the voice of Jesus Have you heard the voice of Jesus softly pleading with your heart? Have you felt his presence glorious, as he calls your soul apart, with a love so true and loyal, love divine that ever flows from a…
1006. Come, watch with us Come, watch with us this Christmas night; our hearts must travel far to darkened hills and heavens bright with star on shining star; to where in shadowy silence sleep the fields of Bethlehem, as…
1111. I bring my praise to you, my God, my Maker I bring my praise to you, my God, my maker, whose loving purpose guides me all my days: I am astounded by the recognition that all I am lies open to your gaze; and you designed me to reflect your…
45. With hearts in love abounding With hearts in love abounding we now prepare to sing a lofty theme, resounding your praise, almighty King; whose love, rich gifts bestowing, has blessed the human race, whose lips are…
947. We give God thanks for those who knew We give God thanks for those who knew the touch of Jesus' healing love; they trusted him to make them whole, to give them peace, their guilt remove. 2. We offer prayer for all who go relying on his…
655. O God, your mercy, moved by love O God, your mercy, moved by love, has raised us to a heavenly place to share a fellowship above, to sit with Christ, through saving grace. 2. Here, too, on earth your feast is spread and guests may…
61. O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray! O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray! No distance can silence the words that I say, no mountain, no ocean can hinder my prayer when deep is my sorrow and dark my despair. 2. When trouble…
366. Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour, yet, for love's sake, became so poor; thrones for a manger did surrender, sapphire-paved courts for stable floor: Lord, you were rich beyond all…
542. See how great a flame aspires See how great a flame aspires, kindled by a spark of grace! Jesus' love the nations fires, sets the kingdoms all ablaze; fire to bring on earth he came; kindled in some hearts it is: O that all might…
188. O holy, holy Lord O holy, holy Lord, the high and lofty King, in solitary might enthroned, to you all praise we bring. Eternal, pure as light, O sinless majesty, who was and is and is to come, and shall for ever…
300. Come, let us join our cheerful songs Come, let us join our cheerful songs with angels round the throne; ten thousand thousand are their tongues, but all their joys are one. 2. β€˜Worthy the Lamb who died,’ they cry, β€˜to be exalted…
456. Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands for our offences given; but now at God's right hand he stands, and brings us life from heaven: let us give thanks and joyful be, and to our God sing…
895. God sent his son God sent his son; they called him Jesus; he came to love, heal and forgive; he lived and died to buy my pardon; an empty grave is there to prove my Saviour lives. Because he lives I can face…
934. O God, your life-creating love O God, your life-creating love this sacred trust to parents gave. In Christ your power came from above your children here to claim and save. 2. Help us who now our pledges give the young to cherish,…
39. I kept my mouth from every sinful word I kept my mouth from every sinful word, lest evil thoughts the wicked overheard; but silence made my pain intensify, so with a burning heart I made my cry: 2. β€˜Show me my end, the measure of…
367. O come, all you faithful O come, all you faithful, joyful and triumphant! O come now, O come now to Bethlehem! Come and behold him, born the King of angels: O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us…
417. Give me a sight, O Saviour Give me a sight, O saviour, of your great love to me- the love that brought you down from heaven to die on Calvary. O make me understand it, help me to take it in- what it meant for you, the holy…
195. Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him; praise him, angels in the height; sun and moon, rejoice before him; praise him, all you stars and light. Praise the Lord, for he has spoken, worlds his mighty…
747. Freedom and life are ours Freedom and life are ours for Christ has set us free! Never again submit to powers that lead to slavery: Christ is the Lord who breaks our chains, our bondage ends; Christ is the rescuer who makes the…
810. May the mind of Christ my Saviour May the mind of Christ my saviour live in me from day to day, by his love and power controlling all I do and say. 2. May the word of God dwell richly in my heart, from hour to hour, so that…
204. All things bright and beautiful All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. 1. Each little flower that opens, each little bird that sings, he made their…
478. Ascended Christ, who gained Ascended Christ, who gained the glory that we sing, anointed and ordained, our Prophet, Priest and King: by many tongues the church displays your power and praise in all her songs. 2. No titles,…
396. From heaven you came, helpless babe From heaven you came, helpless babe, entered our world, your glory veiled, not to be served but to serve and give your life that we might live. This is our God, the Servant King; he calls us now to…
690. Lord, I was blind; I could not see Lord, I was blind; I could not see in your marred visage any grace: but now the beauty of your face in radiant vision dawns on me. 2. Lord, I was deaf; I could not hear the thrilling music of your…
146. I'll praise my Maker while I've breath I'll praise my maker while i've breath; and when my voice is lost in death, praise shall employ my nobler powers; my days of praise shall not be past, while life and thought and being last or…
94. O Lord, O Judge of all the earth O Lord, O judge of all the earth, to whom all vengeance does belong, arise, and shine your glory forth, pay back the proud, condemn the wrong. 2. How long, O Lord, shall wicked ones in boasting…
369. O what a mystery I see O what a mystery I see, what marvellous design, that God should come as one of us, a son in David's line. Flesh of our flesh, of woman born, our humanness he owns; and for a world of wickedness his…
28. O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud to hear my plea; I shall be lost, if you stay silent now and deaf to me. I lift my hands to your most holy place; do not withhold your mercy, love and…