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1249. Father, God of mission Father, God of mission, send your living word to each tribe and nation, those who have not heard; gathering a people from all humankind, those who did not seek you are the ones you find Send…
CP59. Sing we the song of Emmanuel SING WE THE SONG OF EMMANUEL: this the Christ who was long foretold; lo, in the shadows of Bethlehem, promise of dawn now our eyes behold. God Most High in a manger laid; lift your voices and now…
424. Here is love, vast as the ocean Here is love, vast as the ocean, lovingkindness as the flood, when the Prince of life, our ransom, shed for us his precious blood. Who his love will not remember? Who can cease to sing his praise? He…
475. Welcome, happy morning! Age to age shall say 'Welcome, happy morning!' age to age shall say; hell today is vanquished; heaven is won today! See! the dead is living, God for evermore; him, their true Creator, all his works adore: 'Welcome, happy…
214. I sing the almighty power of God I sing the almighty power of God that made the mountains rise, that spread the flowing seas abroad and built the lofty skies. 2. I sing the wisdom that ordained the sun to rule the day; the moon…
33. Let all the righteous to the Lord Let all the righteous to the Lord their joyful voices raise! How right that they should play and sing to him new songs of praise! For faithful are his word and works, beyond all human worth; the…
405. The darkness turns to dawn The darkness turns to dawn, the day-spring shines from heaven, for unto us a child is born, to us a son is given. 2. The Son of God most high, before all else began, a virgin's son behold him…
167. A song breaks from our hearts A song breaks from our hearts as we see the Saviour’s face; the griefs of earth are gone for ever as we enter in redeemed and new to the kingdom of God’s grace. 2. Unnumbered people here gathered…
1135. Creator of the universe Creator of the universe and ruler of all things, the Judge of every person and the King above all kings; our God is righteous, holy, good and great in every way; his infinite perfections he's…
12. Help us, O Lord, the righteous all have vanished Help us, O Lord, the righteous all have vanished, now in their place are those who peddle lies. They boast in tongues from which the truth is banished, ‘We need no lord!’-all lordship they…
466. Jesus, Prince and Saviour Jesus, prince and saviour, Lord of life who died, Christ, the friend of sinners, mocked and crucified; for a world's salvation he his body gave, lay at last death's victim, lifeless in the…
153. Praise the Father, God of justice Praise the father, God of justice: sinners tremble at his voice, crowns and creatures fall before him, saints triumphantly rejoice. 2. Praise the Son, who brings redemption, purging sin and…
210. O Lord of heaven and earth and sea O Lord of heaven and earth and sea, to you all praise and glory be, who loved us from eternity — you give us all. 2. The golden sunshine, gentle air, sweet flowers and fruit, your love…
51. Lord, have mercy: in your goodness Lord, have mercy: in your goodness purify me from my sin, wipe away all my transgressions; Lord, have pity, make me clean. Well I know my sins: their memory haunts my conscience all day…
831. Teach us how grave a thing it is Teach us how grave a thing it is to break love's laws deliberately, to flout your holiness, great God, or flaunt our shame presumptuously. 2. Have pity on our weakness, Lord, and deal with us…
399. I have a friend whose faithful love I have a friend whose faithful love is more than all the world to me; it's higher than the heights above, and deeper than the deepest sea; so old, so new, so strong, so true; before the earth received…
922. God! As with silent hearts we bring to mind God! as with silent hearts we bring to mind how hate and war diminish humankind, we pause-and seek in worship to increase our knowledge of the things that make for peace. 2. Hallow our will as humbly…
1255. With a prayer you fed the hungry With a prayer you fed the hungry, with a cry you stilled the storm; with a look you had compassion on the desperate and forlorn. With a touch you healed the leper, with a shout you raised the…
CP51. On Christmas night all Christians sing ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT ALL CHRISTIANS SING to hear the news the angels bring; on Christmas night all Christians sing to hear the news the angels bring: news of great joy for all the earth, news of…
217. When morning gilds the skies When morning gilds the skies, my heart awaking cries: may Jesus Christ be praised! Alike at work and prayer let this be all my care: may Jesus Christ be praised! 2. To God the Word on high the hosts…
709. What offering shall we give What offering shall we give or what atonement bring to God by whom alone we live, high heaven's eternal King? 2. For all the blood of beasts on Jewish altars slain could never give the conscience…
148. Praise him, praise him, praise him Praise him, praise him, praise him, powers and dominations! Praise his name in glorious light, you creatures of the day! Moon and stars, ring praises through the constellations: Lord God, whose…
235. Ages pass by, earth's treasures all decay Ages pass by, earth's treasures all decay; all Christ’s creation longs to see his day; but constantly the eye of faith can see your plan unfolds, O holy Trinity. 2. I do not know what way before me…
72. A King on high is reigning A king on high is reigning whom endless ages bless, from sea to sea sustaining his rule of righteousness. Beneath his strong defending his people stand secure, whose justice knows no…
1151. Our view across the miles gone by Our view across the miles gone by is filled with thankfulness. The years that crept now seem to fly; past peaks and valleys, low and high, our Lord and God we bless, his goodness we…
CP21. Hear the songs of angels rise HEAR THE SONGS OF ANGELS RISE through dark and troubled skies: the sound of glory; bringing tidings of great joy no sorrow can destroy: salvation’s story. To our world of grief and pain God…
CP70. Word of the Father everlasting WORD OF THE FATHER EVERLASTING, there at his side when time began; who but the Word reflects his glory, who but the Word may speak to man? Word of the Father everlasting, there at his side when…
755. Alone with none but you, my God Alone with none but you, my God, I journey on my way: what need I fear, when you are near, O King of night and day? More safe am I within your hand than if a host did round me stand. 2. My destined…
1017. Lord, from the splendour of heaven you came Lord, from the splendour of heaven you came, entered our world in its sin and its shame and humbly you laid all your glory aside: born ‘Man of sorrows’, rejected, denied. 2. How can it be…
32. Happy are those, beyond all measure blessed Happy are those, beyond all measure blessed, who know their guilt is gone, their faults forgiven; who taste the joys that come from sin confessed, whose hearts are blameless in the sight of…