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243. Eternal light! Eternal light! Eternal light! eternal light! How pure the soul must be, when, placed within your searching sight, it shrinks not, but with calm delight can face such majesty. 2. The spirits who surround your…
91A. Shelter safely in the shadow Shelter safely in the shadow of the Almighty, God most High; call the Lord your rock and fortress, God on whom your hopes rely. Kept by him from mortal danger, saved from hazards well…
425. His hands were pierced, the hands that made His hands were pierced, the hands that made the mountain range and forest glade, that washed the stains of sin away and changed earth's darkness into day. 2. His feet were pierced, the feet that…
720. We come, O Christ, to you We come, O Christ, to you, true Son of God and man, by whom all things consist, in whom all life began: in you alone we live and move, and have our being in your love. 2. You are the way to God, your…
1141. You give us so much: a world to enjoy You give us so much: a world to enjoy, such treasures to find, such skills to employ: the lavish abundance of all that you give invites us to flourish, not merely to live! 2.   You give…
1237. Trees along the river Trees along the river, sunshine on our way; wind across the hilltop, sea and sand and spray: rain for thirsty pastures, scenes of green and blue, every brilliant rainbow shows us something…
578. We come before our Fathers' God We come before our fathers' God: the Rock of our salvation; the eternal arms, their loved abode, we make our habitation; we bring you, Lord, the praise they brought; we seek you as your saints have…
593. Christ, from whom all blessings flow Christ, from whom all blessings flow to perfect your church below, Christ, whose nature now we share, work in us, your body here. Join our faithful spirits, join each to each, with yours made…
386. As with gladness men of old As with gladness men of old did the guiding star behold, as with joy they hailed its light, leading onward, beaming bright: so, most gracious Lord, may we evermore your splendour see. 2. As with…
CP55. See He lies there in the manger SEE HE LIES THERE IN THE MANGER who once made the earth and sky. Down from heaven he’s come, a stranger; newly born, yet born to die. Hands almighty now lie helpless, round his mother’s…
318. My heart and voice I raise My heart and voice I raise to spread Messiah’s praise; Messiah’s praise let all repeat; the universal Lord, by whose almighty word creation rose in form complete. 2. A servant’s form he…
142. I seek the Lord in grief, in pain I seek the Lord in grief, in pain, and cry for help, and cry again; I tell him of my heavy load: oppressed and faint I gasp for God. 2. Yet you, O Lord, already know the dangerous path I have…
495. Rejoice, the Lord is King Rejoice, the Lord is king! Your Lord and King adore: mortals, give thanks and sing, and triumph evermore: Lift up your heart, lift up your voice: rejoice! Again I say, rejoice! 2. Jesus, the…
673. The Lord God appointed The Lord God appointed the way of salvation, by sending his own Son to die in our place; to preach the good tidings of our liberation- for those who receive him, the promise of grace. 2. So Jesus…
1215. Lord, your church is suffering Lord, your church is suffering, Christians under threat. Evil powers are rising up, challenging your reign. Darkness, spreading through the earth, shrouds the light of truth. Satan and man’s…
233. This is the day the Lord himself has made This is the day the Lord himself has made; this is the day that he has set apart, to hear his word, to sing aloud his praise, so let us hide this word within our heart. 2. Lord Jesus Christ, once…
151. Glory be to God the Father Glory be to God the Father, glory be to God the Son, glory be to God the Spirit, great I AM, the Three-in-One: glory, glory, while eternal ages run! 2. Glory be to him who loved us, washed us…
17. Lord, hear my plea, my innocence declare Lord, hear my plea, my innocence declare; give judgement, for your eyes can see within. Lay bare my heart: is any malice there? Have I not kept my tongue from uttering sin? At all times shall your…
CP67. While shepherds watched their flocks by night WHILE SHEPHERDS WATCHED THEIR FLOCKS BY NIGHT, all seated on the ground, the angel of the Lord came down and glory shone around. 2   ‘Fear not,' said he—for mighty dread had seized their…
1211. This is the man who runs with God This is the man who runs with God! Who aims where such forerunners trod? He sets the pace, he wins the crown; he spends his life, he lays it down. 2. This is the place where he is known; in…
1133. We pledge to one another We pledge to one another, before the Lord above, entire and whole and perfect, this union of our love-- a love that will be patient, a love that will be wise, that will not twist with…
1178. He said, the Spirit of the Lord He said, the spirit of the Lord is with me, to proclaim hope for the poor, the prophet’s word of freedom in God’s name. 2.  He said, blind eyes receive their sight, and silent tongues can…
718. O hidden source of calm repose O hidden source of calm repose, O all-sufficient love divine, my help and refuge from my foes, secure I am if you are mine: and from all sin, and grief, and shame, I shelter, Jesus, in your name. 2.…
914. Creator God, with whom we share Creator God, with whom we share the ruling of your world, we ask as we are named creation's heirs make us more willing for our task. 2. For you have blessed all things that live, that run or fly or…
695. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you, Lord, for loving me. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you, Lord, for loving me. 1. You went to Calvary, there you died for me, thank you, Lord, for…
1001. God is the giver God is the giver of all things that are; worlds without end were fashioned by his hand, from earth's foundations to the furthest star, in splendour shining, countless as the sand. 2. God is the…
163. To him who chose us first To him who chose us first, before the world began; to him who bore sin’s curse to save rebellious man; to him who formed our hearts anew, is endless praise and glory due. 2. The Father’s love…
576. Should I rehearse with human voice Should I rehearse with human voice the words which angels make their choice, devoid of love, my song resounds magnificent but empty. And should I preach with earnest tone and know whatever can be…
723. All I once held dear, built my life upon All I once held dear, built my life upon, all this world reveres and wars to own, all I once thought gain I have counted loss; spent and worthless now, compared to this. Knowing you, Jesus, knowing…
158. God, whose almighty word God, whose almighty word chaos and darkness heard, and took their flight: hear us, we humbly pray, and where the gospel-day sheds not its glorious ray, let there be light! 2. Saviour, who came to…