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697. Above the voices of the world around me Above the voices of the world around me, my hopes and dreams, my cares and loves and fears, the long-awaited call of Christ has found me, the voice of Jesus echoes in my ears: 'I gave my life to break…
316. Jesus, our hope, our hearts' desire Jesus, our hope, our hearts' desire, your work of grace we sing; Redeemer of the world are you, its maker and its King. 2. How vast the mercy and the grace, how great the love must be, which led you…
CP23. How low was our Redeemer brought HOW LOW WAS OUR REDEEMER BROUGHT! The King who held the stars lay helpless in a maiden’s arms and pressed against her heart. While sheep and cattle raised their voice, the babe could speak no…
61. O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray! O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray! No distance can silence the words that I say, no mountain, no ocean can hinder my prayer when deep is my sorrow and dark my despair. 2. When trouble…
130. From the depths of shame and sorrow From the depths of shame and sorrow, from my guilt and my despair, Lord, I cry to you for mercy- be attentive to my prayer. All my joy is in your presence, all my hope is in your word; more…
CP59. Sing we the song of Emmanuel SING WE THE SONG OF EMMANUEL: this the Christ who was long foretold; lo, in the shadows of Bethlehem, promise of dawn now our eyes behold. God Most High in a manger laid; lift your voices and now…
CP53. Over two thousand years ago OVER TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO, under a starlit sky, many events were taking place as the ancients had prophesied. And a gift was given from heaven to earth, the everlasting light. So let us adore…
631. We believe in God Almighty We believe in God almighty, who the heavens and earth has made, Father, who in power created all things, hidden and displayed. We believe in one Lord, Jesus, God's unique and only Son, God from God,…
287. At the name of Jesus At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue confess him King of glory now; this the Father's pleasure, that we call him Lord, who from the beginning was the mighty Word. 2. At his voice…
638. The servants of God are baptized The servants of God are baptized, with Jesus made visibly one; come, Spirit, and clothe them with power, the world and its pleasures to shun. 2. The servants of God are baptized, salvation revealed…
101. Of loyal love and justice Of loyal love and justice, O Lord, shall be my song; I dwell on your perfections- for you, O Lord, I long! May my whole life be blameless, and pure my every aim; be far from me all evil, all…
639. When Jesus died upon the cross When Jesus died upon the cross, when he was buried in the grave, he bore the judgement I deserved, that he, by death, my life might save. 2. When Christ was raised from that same tomb he rose as…
55. Listen to my prayer, O God Listen to my prayer, O God, under trouble’s crushing load: all around my foes rampage, clamouring for me in their rage; terror overwhelms my heart, every instinct says, ‘Depart!’ O for…
1054. Raise a shout of joyous triumph Raise a shout of joyous triumph to the Lord with heart and voice, out of every tribe and nation come to serve him and rejoice. For the Lord, he is good and his love will endure. Yes, his…
1164. As we come to God in adoration As we come to God in adoration, thankful for the grace that he has shown, making rebel sinner into child of God as he builds a people of his own: so we lift our hearts in praise and we worship…
1178. He said, the Spirit of the Lord He said, the spirit of the Lord is with me, to proclaim hope for the poor, the prophet’s word of freedom in God’s name. 2.  He said, blind eyes receive their sight, and silent tongues can…
5002. God made the sun and stars God made the sun and stars, God made the birds that fly in the sky. God made the elephants and spiders and bees, but best of all: Yes, God made me! God gave me eyes to see, God gave me ears to hear…
1182. Lord, hear the lonely sufferer's cry Lord, hear the lonely sufferer’s cry: ‘Why, God, have you forsaken me? Why does your silence fill my ears though I pursue you fervently? For are you not the Holy One enthroned in timeless…
1140. One man, alone, in unremitting darkness One man, alone, in unremitting darkness, knowing his life is soon to reach its end, prays for the strength to face the coming moment: a traitor's kiss from one he called a friend. 2.   One…
1203. Lord, in your hand is every life Lord, in your hand is every life, our heartbeat, senses, blood and breath; our bodies and our minds you know, our day of birth, our day of death. 2. For all who near the end of life and those…
23B. The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want The Lord’s my shepherd, i’ll not want. He makes me down to lie in pastures green: he leadeth me the quiet waters by. 2. My soul he doth restore again; and me to walk doth make within the…
167. A song breaks from our hearts A song breaks from our hearts as we see the Saviour’s face; the griefs of earth are gone for ever as we enter in redeemed and new to the kingdom of God’s grace. 2. Unnumbered people here gathered…
155. Almighty Father, Lord and King Almighty father, Lord and king, your suffering saints unite to sing with holy jubilation! We worship now before your throne, rejoicing since we are your own by merciful adoption; predestined to behold…
404. That priceless gift what tongue can tell That priceless gift what tongue can tell? Marvel and mystery, man and God: from highest heaven to lowest earth, the Father's Son, a servant's birth: our life he lived, our path he trod. 2. That…
871. I do not know what lies ahead I do not know what lies ahead, the way I cannot see; yet one stands near to be my guide; he'll show the way to me. I know who holds the future, and he'll guide me with his hand. With God things don't…
119F. Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth, and from it I will not depart; that I may steadfastly obey, give me an understanding heart. 2. In your commandments make me walk, for in your law my joy…
515. You are coming, O my Saviour You are coming, O my saviour, you are coming, O my King, in your beauty all-resplendent, in your glory all-transcendent; well may we rejoice and sing. Coming! In the opening east brighter shines your…
1044. Two sins have we committed Two sins have we committed, two sins that we cannot deny: we’ve turned from you, the fount of living water, and have tried to drink from cisterns cracked and dry. What fools we are, how blind we…
102. Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you Lord, hear my prayer! my cry shall come before you; hide not your face when I am in distress. My life burns up; my days have lost their glory, drifting like smoke, in pain and helplessness. 2.…
1043. Listen to my prayer, Lord Listen to my prayer, Lord, hear my humble cry; when my heart is fainting, to your throne I fly. 2. In earth's farthest corner you will hear my voice: set me on your rock, Lord, then I shall…